Work From Home Directory

Work at Home Directory
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“A work-from-home resource that will blow your mind with how many amazing options and opportunities actually exist for legitimate home-based careers.”

Work From Home Sorted By Category

I realize that a “dream” work-from-home job is hard to come by. Heck… I still haven't found it yet either. (I'm having a lot of fun though trying new jobs and learning new skills!) But, there are lots of ways to work at home. And if you can, trying a few out and finding what you like, what you feel comfortable doing, and what works for your schedule, etc can be really helpful when trying to narrow down exactly what you'd LOVE doing.

So with such a variety of ways to work at home – I've tried to make it easier. I realize it can be confusing and overwhelming to find a path when it comes to wanting to telecommute or make some money from home. On this page, I have broken them down into an easy-to-navigate category system, so that you can get right to the types of jobs that interest you the most. As I find new and exciting ways to work at home, I'll add new categories. But I am always updating – because finding a career from home or telecommuting is constantly evolving and there always seem to be new ways to legitimately work right from your home or apartment. Enjoy!

– Remote work opportunities are booming, offering flexibility, freedom, and, in many cases, excellent pay. So, why not aim high?

– A Ride Monitor Agent is a vital part of the non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) industry. 

– When pay day can't be soon enough. This is a great list of jobs offering same-day paychecks.

– A great list of ideas for earning from home that doesn't require having a college degree.

– Great for those needing a job right now! Apply to all of them that you're qualified for.

– Having benefits is a perk most of us want with our job or career. Health insurance, 401k, paid vacations. These companies offer it.

– How to make money online as a teen. Many ideas for teens of all ages.

-Here you will find blogging jobs that pay you to write blog posts or maintain blog content. Topics vary.

– The hospitality industry is moving towards remote work, and if you're willing to take the plunge, you can make a career out of working from home.

-Many visitors to MoneyMakingMommy are from Canada, and though I am based in the USA – I try to provide those visitors with options too. Here you will find all the resources I have found to help Canadians find work from home.

-More and more businesses, including retail and utility companies are using live chat reps to help customers navigate their sites and ask questions.

-Customer Service Jobs are booming thanks to the internet. Many companies offer full-time jobs with flexible hours and benefits.

– Work a flexible schedule doing courthouse research assignments.

Data Entry or Clerical

– One of the most sought-after home-based jobs is data entry. Finding a legitimate data entry job can be tough. Here are the options.

20 Entry Level Work at Home Jobs

– For those that are looking to get their foot in the door or just starting out on their work at home career quest.

– Tips for finding work at home and online jobs on Craigslist.

-Forums and message boards are commonplace anymore and with growing member numbers, there are more posts to moderate.

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Plus get my list of 50+ job sites to search for remote jobs

-Many people are able to take their education, talents, skills and work experience and turn it into a full or part-time freelance career.

– There are a few companies that hire people to review and evaluate calls. Great listening and writing skills are typically needed.

– List of companies that offer freelance or flexible work at home for artists, photographers, poets, writers, merchandisers and more.

-Though I am based in the USA and my site is geared to residents in the United States, I do want to try and help those site visitors from other countries. Here are resources for those living outside the USA.

– List of jobs and companies that pay $20 or more an hour and let you work right from your own home. Some even offer benefits too.

-Jobs that fall under the medical field that include triage, transcription, coding, insurance and more.

-There is a huge request for info in this field. I continually try to add more and new information regarding medical billing.

-Many people looking for work either don't have a landline (or just a cellphone), or they simply don't enjoy jobs that require talking on the phone.

No Phone Data Entry Jobs

– Data entry has always been a popular search on my site. So here's a non-phone data entry list for those interested.

-Retired teachers, unemployed educators and those with a passion for teaching others can find work as a tutor or in other fields of virtual education.

-Skilled proofreaders, editors and copywriters can find work in the virtual world as telecommuting is commonplace today for this type of work.

-Major search engines now hire workers to use their own home computers to help them with ad quality, social media evaluation and more.

– On-demand economy gigs are hitting the workforce big time. Flexible schedules and a variety of types of jobs.

-In this blog post, we have listed some recession-proof online jobs that you can do right from your home.

-However, despite the gloomy weather, this time of year can be a great opportunity to start a new career or take on a seasonal job.

-Social media rules in this day and age and companies and webmasters are needing someone to stay on top of all the tweeting, Facebooking, Instagram photos and more.

-Though phone jobs are not always popular when sales are involved, there are phone-based interview jobs that are enjoyable with no sales involved.

– Work at home helping assessment companies with student test scoring. Cover papers, exams, essays and more. Typically seasonal. Most pay well.

-Transcribers are needed in medical, legal and many other fields. A lot of work is now outsourced to qualified telecommuters.

-Knowing another language has never been more profitable. Many companies are hiring those that can speak in English as well as another language.

– Is your city on the list? Check out which cities offer the best chances at remote and/or hybrid positions.

-Most travel arrangements are done online these days. However, travel agents are still a popular go-to for many travelers and vacationers.

– Great list of companies that hire virtual assistants of all levels, for different assignments.

– If $10 is the least amount you can live on – then these jobs are worth looking into.

-Full time writing jobs can found and can be done from anywhere in the world if you have a laptop and an internet connection.

– BIG list for teens wanting to make extra money online from home.

– This is a section of my site that used to be the main listing for jobs. I do update now and then. I wanted to make sure I keep it live in case it's helpful.

– Here are some uncommon… and maybe even weird ways to earn from home.

– Just a reminder for those really wanting to be their own boss, this directory will give you a lot to consider and explore.

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  1. There are some great ideas here. More recently I know some people have been getting paid to answer surveys.

  2. Sai Ye Khaung says:

    I need a job working from home.

  3. Am looking online job for typeing and advertsing or any online job.

  4. I want to job working from home

  5. Found one here, they pay you upfront to get start!

  6. Linda Clause says:

    I am eager to join a company that sells various products that people enjoy see living online and the customer having the poster to add to a basket, see sales price, remove from basket and once the are ready pay, go into their own payment method and the product will be shipped out,

  7. Rhonda Edwards says:

    Need to work from home. Many issues to keep me home bound but still have much to offer to s company and to myself. Please lead me to legitimate work from home opportunities.

  8. Jackie Olson says:

    I recently saw something like “making money as a gamer”. I could swear I saw it on your site as I was browsing, but can’t find it now. Do you have a job like that posted?

  9. @Michele
    First — I am very sorry to hear about your cancer. I wish you the very, very best and much healing. I sell Avon too and really enjoy it. Have you ever thought about writing? I pick up extra work doing freelance writing gigs a lot.

  10. Michele Doolan says:

    I am a mid 50 year old female. I have worked in restaurants most of my life and then later in life worked at a Car dealership as receptionist but also controlled all “incoming monies” from both the dealership and body shop. I am presently at home due to cancer limitations and am selling Avon. I have a clientelle of approximately 105 customers and thought I might like to add another job to do while at home on the computer. Can you suggest something that I could do that does not cost money to join. I live in canada.

  11. @Lester
    Doesn’t make a difference at all. Lots of guys come to the site. I just named it “MoneyMakingMommy” in 1999 be cause that’s what I was (and still am)! It’s not exclusive…. lol — but I write about what I know… being a mom and trying to earn from home. But certainly if it helps anyone… I am thrilled.

  12. Lester Scoggins says:

    I am not a female, yet this website has posts by just women. So, I was just wondering about that. I am a senior/retired citizen that would like to earn at least $400. per month. Maybe that doesn’t sound like enough incentive, but it would pay my property taxes each year. That would be a good cause for me. It might not match some of the more serious needs I see on the posts, however..
    I don’t think it would make a difference if I was a male? I am a four year college grad and have Microsoft skills, plus I type over 50wpm. So, I am sure I could handle many of the employers needs that I have read about on your website.

    “” is only for women? If not, do you have any special advice for me on getting connected?

  13. Do You Have Crafts Assembly work at Home Jobs
    That They Hire Canadians Most Us Companys Don’t
    Go Out of Us


  14. i am a new user wish me luck

  15. Need a work from home job in Nigeria

  16. lorie jacob says:

    I’m the stay at home mother of two 4/5 yr old daughters.i had my children a lot later in life than others so I am over 40 years old with toddlers.priir to my children is always worked.sometimes two jobs just to keep husband loves his job and will not consider going somewhere else even though he dosent make the money he could be making.this has caused me to have to stay home with the girls bc we cannot afford child care.i love to work,I hate being under the control of another to rely on them for each and every need however important.i am educated and talented in numerous areas.i need a good lead of an interesting work from home job.someone please help me and suggest an opportunity that is going crazy sitting at home.i feel worthless and helpless.thanks

  17. Debbie Johnson says:

    Looking for a home based job for part time to start. Would like something as soon as possible. I’m very good with math and a very good speller.

  18. I’ve never done one personally – so I can’t confirm 100%. But I’ve read several negative reviews on some. Particularly that you pay for the kit and make the item and then they say it didn’t meet standards so they can’t hire you. Basically you bought a kit and it was for nothing. That seems fishy to me!

  19. Marilyn Shelton says:

    Are at home assembly jobs generally scams? Where you build a craft and mail it back? How about Scam?

  20. my friend once told me that she had worked before on line and earned more. I would like to do the same. I also want to work online, be a part timer at first and if its okay, am willing to work full time. Please tell me what to do first. Thank you.

  21. @Gretchen

    I post everything I can find on work at home and also post job leads every day. I hope this can help in your search. You might try customer service jobs – they are always hiring and usually don’t require tons of experience.

  22. im looking for a work home job..can somebody help me please.

  23. @Bobbi
    I don’t personally know anything about Home Internet Careers. I’d be leery of paying a company that isn’t offering legitimate work at home.

  24. I am a 64 year old widow with multiple sclerosis. I am looking for a home based job to help me pay bills and buy groceries. I would like to check out Home internet careers but they want $97 to join. My question is why can’t you pay the fee after you start making money?
    I really need to find something so I can stop the financial stress that I am under.

    Thank you very much, Bobbi

  25. My wife is located in the Philippines, can someone suggest any work @ home jobs she can do from there online?


  26. I posted incorrect I mentioned that I need a job online since im always on my phone I am a full time college student and have a part time job.

  27. @Roopa
    Thanks for coming by the site. It is true – most of the work at home jobs I post are USA based, because that is where I live and what I know. I do have an international page where I post sites I find that hire in other countries.

  28. Hello,

    I have been looking for work at home job but in vein as i am an Indian and reside in India and most of the work at home jobs are not for us.

  29. Bernard Peprah says:

    I realy need to make extra money by working online; like data entry jobs. Can someone please help me find one?

  30. Lauren Elliott says:

    I saw a job for envelope stuffer from home

  31. Am looking for at home work and get paid hope someone can help bc I need it I have a son with asd

  32. Lisa Price says:

    I have worked from home for years and I love it. What can you hook me up with that is legitimate and I dont have to pay a fee

  33. redwan rafi says:

    i actually want a job working from home. is there anyone who can give me jobs by working online ? for doing jobs in online what kind of qualities should i have. please inform me. or if i don’t have any qualities what kind of qualities should i gain? please please please inform me. thanks !!

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