
20 Data Entry Work From Home Jobs

Data Entry Jobs

Data entry jobs are always a hot topic here at MoneyMakingMommy.com. I think it's because data entry “seems” like it would be easy work, but I think it's much harder than just sitting and typing at your leisure. That's probably not how a “real” job in data entry goes. There are criteria to be met I am sure in order to get a data entry job and to keep a data entry job. I'll talk about that more below.

I've talked to a few ladies that currently have data entry jobs. Out of the 4-5 I've talked to, most of them do this type of work seasonally “around” their “real” job. I did talk to one woman that said she works for several data entry companies because the work fluctuates so much that working for several keeps her busy year round. (And though everyone I talked to was a woman — by no means is this just “women's work”. I know way too many guys that can type circles around me and one of them if my son!

And I don't want to discourage anyone out there researching data entry jobs by saying that most that I have talked to do this just seasonally. That doesn't mean you can't find work year round with one company. People do what works for them and with the work they find or are offered. So remember — nothing is ever set into stone — that includes data entry jobs!

Job Requirements and Skills for Data Entry Jobs

As I mentioned above – there are skills you want to consider having before you start investing gobs of time researching and looking for data entry jobs that are open. You want to make sure that time isn't wasted when you might not meet the requirements for the job.

Typing Speed:
-If typing for you is a “hunt and peck” process — I urge you to take some time taking a few typing courses or practicing your typing to work your way up to a minimum of 35-40 wpm. And that is a minimum!

Know Your Way Around a Computer/OS/Software:
-Whether you're on a PC or a MAC, you'll want to make sure you're keen to the operating system. It's good to know shortcuts and how to access basics. Plus, this only makes your job easier. I *could not* type and knew little about Microsoft Office when I was starting out. So, I looked online and at the local community college for a “basics” class. I ended up taking a class one night a week at my local tech college. It's was affordable, worked with my schedule and it was money well spent. I was floored by how much I didn't know. Ultimately this class was priceless for me.

Have a Decent Computer or Laptop:
-You've snagged a free laptop! Great! But it's 12 years old and runs an operating system no one uses anymore and it's really S L O W…. in my opinion, you'd be better off with one of these $250 Dell laptops than using something outdated. There seem to always be sales at Best Buy or NewEgg too. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration — but don't put yourself in debt to get a new computer. Save up the money and save yourself the stress. You're looking for data entry jobs to make money, not to spend money.

You Have The Skills & Computer:
You're already a typing aficionado and have a swank computer? Good. Now you Just need to make sure you've got a great resume spotlighting all of this greatness and reliable phone line and email address that employers can get in touch with you with. The better you spotlight your skills, experience and enthusiasm, the more potential those having data entry jobs to fill are going to notice you. Don't be shy, brag about yourself!

List of Companies Known to Hire for Data Entry Jobs

I'll be updating this list of data entry jobs often. If I see anything out there that's legitimate, I will add it.

1. Amazon
Amazon is a global leader in e-commerce and offers a variety of data entry jobs that you can do from home. These jobs include transcription, cataloging, researching, and customer service. Most of these positions are part-time and offer flexible schedules. The pay for these positions varies depending on the type of job and experience level. To apply, you must be at least 18 years old and have basic computer skills.

2. Axion Data Entry Services
Axion Data Entry Services is a company that specializes in data entry services for businesses around the world. They offer remote data entry jobs that can be done from home with flexible hours and competitive pay rates. To apply, you must have basic computer skills, be able to type at least 40 words per minute, and have access to a reliable internet connection.

3. Clickworker
Clickworker is an online platform that connects people looking for work with companies needing help with tasks such as data entry, web research, writing reviews, translation services, etc. Most tasks are short-term projects with flexible hours and competitive pay rates ranging from $7-$30/hour depending on the task being completed. To apply for work on Clickworker you must pass an assessment test before being accepted into their network of workers.

4. Appen
Appen is an online platform that connects people looking for work with companies needing help with tasks such as data entry, web research, writing reviews or surveys etc.. Most tasks are short-term projects with flexible hours and competitive pay rates ranging from $7-$30/hour depending on the task being completed. To apply for work on Appen you must pass an assessment test before being accepted into their network of workers .

5 . Lionbridge Technologies
Lionbridge Technologies is a global leader in language technology solutions providing services such as translation services , localization , interpreting , digital marketing , web search evaluation , content moderation etc.. They also offer remote data entry jobs which can be done from home . The pay rate varies depending on the task but typically ranges between $10 – $15 / hour . In order to qualify for these positions , applicants must possess strong keyboarding skills (minimum 60 wpm) , excellent grammar & spelling abilities , attention to detail & accuracy & knowledge of Microsoft Office applications .

6 . Sutherland Global Services
Sutherland Global Services is a multi-national outsourcing company offering various services such as customer service support , technical support & back office operations etc .. They also offer remote data entry jobs which can be done from home . The pay rate varies depending on the task but typically ranges between $9 – $14 / hour . In order to qualify for these positions applicants must possess strong keyboarding skills (minimum 50 wpm) , excellent grammar & spelling abilities , attention to detail & accuracy & knowledge of Microsoft Office applications .

7 . Working Solutions
Working Solutions is an online platform connecting people looking for work with companies needing help with tasks such as customer service support , technical support & back office operations etc .. They also offer remote data entry jobs which can be done from home . The pay rate varies depending on the task but typically ranges between $9 – $14 / hour . In order to qualify for these positions applicants must possess strong keyboarding skills (minimum 50 wpm) , excellent grammar & spelling abilities , attention to detail & accuracy & knowledge of Microsoft Office applications .

8 . Virtual Bee
Virtual Bee is an online platform connecting people looking for work with companies needing help with tasks such as customer service support , technical support & back office operations etc .. They also offer remote data entry jobs which can be done from home using their

9. ParaMeds
– Hires freelancers as medical fact checkers and data entry for their patients. Flexible schedule.

10. 1 888 Type It Up
– They pay VERY well. Starting at $36hr. Anyone can take their typing to test to apply. All work is remote.

11. Xerox
– I post work at home jobs every day on my job board, and I see Xerox quite often. I have seen a few data entry positions as well. The link is for Indeed.com and shows you their current openings that they've got posted there.

12. Sigtrack
– Hiring data entry workers to verify signatures for voter registrations, petitions and more. It's mostly political data in nature, so look for them to ramp up hiring during election years. Both local and national elections.

13. Fiverr
– A lot of competition, but this is a great place to throw your hat in the ring. The work is freelance – but that's not necessarily a bad thing when you're wanting to do you own thing and work from home. Over a basic data entry gig and then build your services up with add-ons when you can.

14. Zirtual
– Hires virtual assistants – varies, but includes data entry jobs.

15. Fancy Hands
– Virtual assistant type jobs – all work at home.

16. My365Assistant
– Virtual jobs, home based work for qualified applicants.

17. MicroWorkers
– The work is ever-changing, but there always seems to be data entry jobs listed.

18. Vitac Review
– Captioning work. The projects will vary.

19. Capital Typing
– Word processing and data entry.

20. Smart Locating
– They keep a massive database of apartment information updated and growing. They need typists to make sure this happens in a timely fashion.

Do you currently do a data entry job from home? Do you know whose hiring or have questions? Keep reading…

The list above is a good start for someone wanting to try and find a data entry job. However, making it the very best page means asking others for help. I do my best to post everything I find, but if you know of other companies that offer home based data entry jobs or careers, please post in the comments below. Have questions? You can post those as well below. Together we can all help each other. Thanks so much.

If you’re still looking for work at home, please be sure to check out the entire Work at Home Directory for more job ideas.

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  1. jan evans says:

    hi I’m interested in doing data entry from home and i have good typing skills but I am very concerned about carpal tunnels would it be ok to use speech to text software such as dragon naturally speaking or just use the voice to text function on the smart phone?

  2. i have 10 yrs experience in data entry field. i am under graduate and house wife. i want to work from home at anywhere and any time.

  3. For everyone who is looking for a work from home data entry job, you would need to look in the above article, click on the company’s name and see if they are hiring .

  4. Looking for data entry work from home job

  5. LORI ZOBEL says:

    Ideally, I am looking for something at home that allows me to work about 12-15 hours a week. I want to do data entry. I used to input claims for doctors offices where I would go in and pick up the claims and input them and bring them back but with all the privacy going on, I doubt that would be possible,

  6. I’ve been wondering if 1 888 Type It Up is actually legitimate company. Yes, anyone can take their typing test to apply IF they hand over $35 first. Sounds weird.

  7. Leslie Meador McGhee says:


    I went to the website for Capital Typing and cannot find where to apply. Please help.


  8. I went on postloop and registered. I scrolled down to the bottom and it has prices. So i have to pay to earn money with them?? I’m not understanding how i get to the next part of earning money.

  9. I am searching for data entry works. I can type 65wpm.

  10. @Anita
    I think one of the reasons they went to having the applicant pay was because they have a lot of attrition. So they want to make sure people really want the job. But that’s just my opinion.

  11. Anita Lucas Schoenfelder says:

    The Arise company was not a good place to start with my effort to try and find a work at home position. You have to pay for the background check out of your pocket. I did their online test and when I got to that part I just left.

  12. I’m retired after working for a local government for 21 years. Prior to that I worked various jobs, everything from front office in a doctor’s office to writing software code. I have no college degree. Do you know of any resources to update me on how to write a resume for work at home jobs? I’ve heard resume res are different than they were more than 20 years ago when I wrote my last one. Also, what would one include in their resume to show they are fit to work remotely with no real supervision or direction? Hoping you can point me in the right direction. I appreciate this blog, it’s very informative. Thank you!!

  13. I’ve been looking for online data entry work myself. I’ve been doing typing/data entry work in the work force since 1984. Agree about Virtual Bee – that used to be Key for Cash.

  14. I wanted to say something about the Arise company. I registered and went through the whole process. Then got an acceptance email and paid 7.95 for the background check. I told I would be able to sign up with different companies to with for. However, each company has a certification course that you have to pay for before getting hired on and they range from $50-$150 a course. I was very upset as I literally had $10 left in my account. I know some legit companies make you pay for your background but after you pass it, you train or work. Some reviews said they made decent money with Arise but you have to be able to pay for the training first. Companies that are widely known. It’s because Arise offers the training. It was a real big waste of time and let down.

  15. Brenda Milligan says:

    I love to type and am very speedy and accurate. I would love to work from home because of back issues it is hard to work outside of the house. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  16. Looking for a work at home job that requires no experience. I am an undergrad student and I am planning to quit my current job as it takes over alot of my time and I don’t make enough money either. Looking for something that I could do as an only job and still be able to pay all my bills.

  17. Data Entry says:

    Thank for your kind information and I don’t think data entry is an easy job that every one can simply do it. It should need dedication.

  18. Thanks for your dedication and all the great information you give to us! On the Capital Typing website, I don’t see a way to apply. Maybe I overlooked something.

    Thanks for your help.

  19. Hello I clicked on the link for TDEC and they have an opening, but I think it’s only based in OH. Do you know if they hire work from home data entry operators? Thanks!

  20. @Konnie
    I just tested the subscriber form and it worked fine for me. Where are you trying to sign up at? Maybe there is an old link that’s no longer working. Here is the current subscriber link.

  21. Am trying to subscribe to your website and it will not let me. Is there any way to get my information from the comment and sign me up, please?

    Thank you in advance.

  22. Ashley Brown says:

    Sigtrack is still showing that they are not currently enrolling new users. Looks like it has been like this for over a year according to the notes on the tread. Dang!

  23. DO NOT APPLY FOR VIRTUAL BEE, I have applied for them back in Nov 2014, and got a 100 percentile score, and haven’t heard anything from them. I emailed them asking why, took them 2 weeks to get back to me and they said they hire every 2 weeks. well that was one month after I applied and I continuously log into their site. And I go to sites like moneymakingmommy.com and other work at home sites, Virtual bee is listed and they are not hiring, as I have emailed them about it. so please be very cautious and careful with this company.

  24. @courtney
    Thanks for coming by the site and I can certainly appreciate your situation. Luckily there are so many opportunities out there to work at home. I’d suggest looking over the customer service section of the site and the chat jobs. Many offer very flexible hours, part-time and training. I’ve found that some will even hire with no experience. I actually do customer service from home. I will say this…. it’s still a job. Whether you’re at home in your PJs, or at a call center — you’re expected to meet calls-per-day goals and customer satisfaction criteria. BUT — it is nice to not have to face bad weather, driving, office politics… etc.

  25. Hi
    Im looking for a job working from home and I haven’t any luck!! I have applied to multiple ones in the past 4 yrs and nothing. I can’t get a job out of the house as I would have to work holidays and weekends and during the summer and I don’t want that and I m semi disabled and not one place in town is willing to work around this issue. is there any work from home jobs that don’t require experience or college degree, I”m getting desperate. Any hints on how I can get a job from home with good pay?.

  26. Saman Chamara Edirimannage says:

    I would like to work online as a data entry operator.

  27. @Rebekah
    They are probably overwhelmed with people wanting to work for them and simply don’t have enough openings or manpower to get through all the potential applicants. If you’ve applied and contacted them — then I guess it’s just a waiting game. I’d just touch base with them every few weeks. I don’t know any other solution since I don’t personally work for them. Maybe we could get someone from Capital Typing to comment here? Or someone that already works for them can give us some insight?

  28. I have asked Capital Typing if they have openings in data entry and if they have work from home jobs available on several occasions and they will not get back in touch with me.

  29. I am looking for a part time job from home but with flexible hrs. I have a full time job but need a part ime job after 3:00pm. I am looking for something about data entry. Recently graduated from college with a bachelor in Mgmt.

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