Call Listening Jobs That are Work at Home

Headset and pen for call listening jobs you can do at home.
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Become part of the quality control team. These call listening jobs are all work from home too.”

Help Companies Improve by Evaluating Call Responses

So you like the idea of working at home, but hate the idea of dealing with a customer support type job that keeps you stuck on the phone? How about a job that involves “phone” work, but you're not the one answering the customer's questions. Nope. You're the one evaluating and reviewing the way the call was answered. Many companies want to improve how their customer support calls are answered and as a call reviewer you can help them with feedback or even categorizing calls for future reference.

Most of these type of positions are freelance and they are typically never full-time. As well – they don't always pay a lot, but it could be a very nice side gig.

The company I want to share with you today is Reynolds and Reynolds.

How Much Can I Make with Reynolds and Reynolds as a Call Reviewer?

After researching many sites and forums, it looks like the pay falls right around $7 or $8. I know that's not a huge amount of money, but consider you're not driving to an office and the hours are flexible. What it lacks in BIG pay, it makes up nicely for convenience. As well as, the work isn't super stressful. You're paid every two weeks and payments are made by direct deposit, which I personally prefer.

You're also provided with online training – so that's a nice perk too.

What Would the Job Be Like?

Below I have provided the copy from Reynolds and Reynolds company website that gives all the details regarding the position and requirements. This will give you a very good idea of whether this might be something you'd be interested in or not.

Nationwide Career Opportunity – Part-time

Part-time Remote Call Analyst (Home-based)
College Station, TX

Position Description:
**This is a work from home position.

As a Call Services Remote Representative, you will be responsible for listening to recorded phone conversations between clients and their customers and evaluate these calls based on pre-set criteria for call handling and to identify missed sales opportunities.

Successful applicants will receive training over the internet via web classes.


Bilingual Applicants are preferred
Ability to work with computers; no specific prior experience is necessary
A dedicated work area at their home with no distractions
Reliable personal computer (minimum specs to be decided)
Broadband internet connection; cable, DSL and T1 connections are preferred
Applicants can have either Windows XP or Vista, but must have Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7
Must have a PC (no MACs)
Successful applicants will have good written communication skills.

How Do I Apply?

On their careers page, they state that you need to email your resume and cover letter to them. They provide an email address to send it to. If you're considered for the position, they'll be in touch for an interview. Glassdoor provides some feedback on interviews here. The testing phase is said to be difficult at best.

Final Thoughts on Reynolds and Reynolds

I did read through several reviews on Glassdoor for their part-time positions. You can read those here. Seems like they rate average (3.1 out of 5). Most reviews seemed like they were for onsite work though.

If the job interests you, the page with details and the contact email can be found here. If you'd like to see other opportunities just like this one, please see the Get Paid to Review Calls page here.

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  1. Sue Atkins says:

    went to their website at Reynolds and Reynolds and didn’t see anything on applying for this position…is there a link directly to this position?

  2. @Victor
    I don’t think so — but you might reach out to them and ask just to make sure.

  3. I live in Costa Rica, can I apply for this?

  4. Corina Ramos says:

    This is great information about the company and the job, how much it pays and how to apply. This is going to make it easier for folks to decide is this is the job for them.

    Thanks for putting this together Angie! You know I’m passing this along.

    Have a great day.


  5. Diti Sheth says:

    I am looking for work from home jobs for review and listening to calls
    I want to apply for it
    How should i do it… Pmz reply me

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