
Bookscouter Review [Make Money Selling Textbooks and Used Books]

Bookscouter Review
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Full Bookscouter Review and How to Use

There are many ways to make some extra money online whether you are a stay-at-home parent, student, or even full-time employee. Did you know that you could turn your textbooks into cash? If you are a college student or recent graduate and have old textbooks you want to get rid of, then you can sell them via BookScouter app to make some cool cash. Do not let your old textbooks collect dust on your shelves. Instead, sell them online via this app to make some money. Want to earn more money selling books through BookScouter? Then you can buy books cheaply from other places online and offline and then resell them for profits via this app.

What Is BookScouter App?

BookScouter app is the world's largest textbook buyback price comparison tool. It helps you get rid of your old textbooks. The app connects you to various book buyback vendors that buy used textbooks online. It offers best price recommendations by comparing textbook buyback prices from various book buyback companies. This app ensures you receive the best prices for your textbooks.

How BookScouter App Works?

Install the app onto your smartphone and scan the barcodes of old textbooks you do not need any more to see comparisons of payouts from various buyback companies that buy old textbooks, cookbooks, coffee-table books and other similar types of books. When you scan the barcode of a book using the app, the app submits the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) of the book to each of these companies' sites.

An ISBN is a 10- or 13-digit number, located usually above or below a barcode which typically appears on the back cover of a book, but occasionally, it appears on a book's front page, or publication information page. Most books that have been published since the early 1970's have an ISBN.

BookScouter app or website then displays the prices from those sites so you can see the range of offers and decide where to sell your book. You will not sell your books to BookScouter, but to the buyback companies directly using the app or website. When you find the most attractive offer, just fill out payment information and send your books to the company. Most buyback companies that will buy your textbooks will give you a prepaid shipping label and pay you within one to three days of receiving and checking your shipment.

Why Sell Textbooks and Used Books Using BookScouter App?

There are many sites that buy textbooks, but the prices these sites offer vary widely. One site may buy a book for one or two dollars while another site might offer $20. So, it is worth looking around to make sure you're selling your books for the most money. That is where BookScouter app comes in.

This app quickly searches all those sites and the amount of money they will pay for your book by submitting the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) of your book to each of these sites so you can find the best sites to sell your books. You can view instantly a list of vendors, and see which company or site is offering the highest price.

Sellers can rate and review each vendor that buys their textbooks via BookScouter app with a feedback system. You can see rating next to each vendor so you can sell your books with confidence. The app is user-friendly and simple to operate.

How Much Can I Make Selling Textbooks?

How much you can make selling used textbooks via BookScouter app depends on how many books you can sell per day or month and the profit margin on each book. If you have some textbooks you no longer need, you can make some extra money. But if you want to earn more, you can start your own business by buying books cheaply from other places and then resell them via Bookscouter app to make a profit. Some students use this app to raise money quickly by selling their old textbooks and some even start their own business by buying used books for cheap and reselling them via this app at higher prices.

How Will I Be Paid?

You can receive payment via PayPal or mailed check, depending on the vendor and your method of payment. Every vendor has a different payment schedule. The quickest way to get paid is via PayPal.

Learn more about Bookscouter here. You might also want to check out my post, Cash4Books Review [Selling Books for Cash? Is it Legit?] to read about another book selling option.

Final Word

If you have textbooks that you no longer want to use, you can sell them via BookScouter app to make some money. You can also sell non-textbooks via this app. If you do not have any textbooks of your own, then you can find used textbooks and non-textbooks for cheap and then resell them for higher prices via this app and start your own home business online.

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  1. Kathy davis says:

    Would love to sell books at home

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