Tech Companies Helping You Make Money Online – Tried & Tested!

Best Tech Companies for Making Money Online
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Being a mommy is an expensive business, so why not try and earn yourself a little extra money on the side? There are so many great ways to earn money online, so why not take a look at some of the best ways you can join forces with the big tech companies and make some money for you and your little one?

Why work online?

Working online is great for so many reasons. It allows you to work from home when you want, and to put the needs of your little ones first. Ideal if you want to be able to make a little extra money on the side without having to pay out for childcare.

Read on to learn about the best tech companies to join forces with if you want to:
-Earn as much money as you want from the comfort of your own home
-Be your own boss so that you can take time off as and when you need to
-Have the satisfaction of earning more for doing less, rather than having to push for pay rises
-Be able to take a flexible approach to work that ensures you can always put the needs of your little ones first


Selling on Amazon is a great way to earn money online. As the world’s biggest retailer, it’s safe to say they know a thing or two about selling and shipping products. You could decide to sell refurbished items, buy and sell the next trend so you get in early like so many moms did with fidget spinners, or create your own products from scratch.

The great thing about Amazon is that they already have the footfall that you won’t be able to generate if you were to launch your own standalone website. This means that all you really need to do is put the right keywords in your listings so that you rank highly on Amazon. Something which is far easier than trying to rank on Google!

Another thing worth considering is the fulfilled by Amazon option. This is where you can give all of your stock to Amazon and they’ll run your shop for you, for a nominal fee. Ideal if you want to be able to focus on finding great products whilst you leave the logistics to someone else.


The idea of earning money on social media even 5 years ago would have been laughed at, but now it’s the reality for thousands and thousands of moms. Instagram is the home of social influencers, so why not get in on the act before the market is saturated?

What you need to do is find a niche that you can talk credibly about, and as you have a little one why not make it something to do with your parenting exploits? That way you’ll be able to take all manner of lifestyle shots of the two of you doing things, add a catchy filter and a fun caption, and you’ll have everything you need to start earning.

It might take a little bit longer to get going than Amazon because you’ll need to build a devout following that cares about what you have to say. Once you do that though, you’ll be onto something special that allows you to make money with the minimum of fuss.


If you have a knack for writing, video creation, and even voice-overs, then freelancing sites like Fiverr offer you a great way to make a side business that will more than pay your way. The most important thing is to get an idea of what people are willing to buy, and how much they’re prepared to pay for it, by looking at the most successful profiles.

Once you do that, all you need to do is try a whole bunch of things until you home in on what you enjoy doing. It’s all about finding a niche that you find easy, stimulating, and hassle-free. Once you have those three things all in a row, you’ll be able to build a profitable Fiverr profile that’s inundated with orders.

Just make sure you don’t try and do everything all at the same time. Master a skill, and then gradually increase your prices so that you earn more for doing less. An ideal situation for a mom if ever there were one!


If you’re into your crafts and have an artistic side to you, then why not start selling made to order pieces on Etsy?

It’s very much the home of the homemade, low volume, craft market, and that makes it the ideal place to be if you want to get your work out there. Find something that you love to do because crafting can take more time and effort than you think. Just because lots of people are doing something doesn’t mean you should immediately jump on the bandwagon. You might even find that the Etsy marketplace is already saturated and you won’t sell any.

Take the time to make things that give you enjoyment, and when you sell them at a profit at the end of it, you’ll be all the better for it.


Dropshipping has become a favorite among those wanting to journey into entrepreneurship. And there are companies making it easier and easier to do so. Shopify is one of them. Taking the guessing out of creating your shop site and having inventory to sell. It's a one-stop starter if you're thinking about having your own online store.

Choose your niche and begin. Shopify makes it that easy. There are fees involved – but they are affordable for most beginners. Their monthly fee is around $30 and you can buy a domain for around $14.


The final suggestion on our list comes in the form of every mom’s favorite: eBay! It’s the ideal place to auction off stuff around the house you no longer need, and if you can start a bidding war then you will earn far more than would on Amazon.

Combine auctioned items with a number of lower cost fixed priced listings and you’ll have the right balance between risk and reward. Just make sure that you set realistic shipping times so that you can get as many positive reviews on your profile as possible.

Final Thoughts

As a mommy, you need to be able to earn a little bit of extra money when it suits you. Joining forces with any of the big 5 tech companies above is a great way to do exactly that. Ideal if you want to be able to get your little bundle of joy a mountain of presents for holidays, birthdays or special occasions!


Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks and empowers using the magic of a word. She does her voodoo regularly on the Pick Writers( blog and occasionally contributes to other educational platforms. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. Now she has found herself as a freelance writer.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for your suggestions

    I have applied to over 70 online jobs. I’m looking for simple customer service.

    I paid money 85 dollars to one site who advertising work at home on Glassdoor. After I paid the money I got no job.

    I tried Amazon. But can’t find where they are hiring.

    Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    Happy New Year

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