Smart Apartment Data has Data Entry Work Available

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Smart Apartment Data Remote Data Entry Work Review

Smart Locating is a great choice for anyone who is just starting their work at home career and finds themselves in need of steady work and reliable pay. You should be able to make enough that you can stay on top of your bills and have enough extra time to start cultivating reputations with private clients.

What is Smart Apartment Data

Smart Apartment Data is a company that makes it easy for individuals to find apartments. They collect information about different apartments all over the country and compile it onto one database. If you’re moving and don’t have the time or resources to hunt for an apartment in the city your moving too, Smart Locating will be a huge asset.

Type of Work Available

Considering the enormous number of facilities they have on their database and the number of people searching for a new apartment every day, Smart Apartment Data deals with an incredible amount of data, and they need people to organize and process this data, that’s where you come in.


The great thing about working for Smart Locating is that you don’t need a variety of fancy degrees. Provided you’re reliable, self-motivated, and can type accurately, they’ll be happy to work with you. The company does insist that you’re at least 18 years old and that you’re a legal resident of the United States. Before hiring you, Smart Locating will conduct a criminal background check.

What You’ll Need

Before you can do any data entry work for Smart Apartment Data, you need to have;
• Long distance phone capabilities
• A reliable, high speed internet connection
• A good quality computer (and a backup isn’t a bad idea)

Getting Started for Smart Locating

The initial application process is very simple. Smart Apartment Data has placed it on their website. All you have to do is fill it out and submit it. Normally Smart Apartment Data has a quick response time, though some people have reported that they’ve waited a few weeks before hearing anything. I suspect that the busier the company is, and the more applications they need to process, the longer the delay.

If the company likes your application, they will make arrangements for an interview. Once you’ve passed the background check, you’ll be able to start working right away.


As of right now, you can reasonably expect to earn about $8.50 an hour doing data entry work for Smart Apartment Data. If you can work quickly, you’ll be able to earn more, just make sure that your work remains accurate.

Although Smart Apartment Data is very good about providing flexible scheduling, they would appreciate it if you could devote about fifteen hours a week to their data entry work. If a time comes when you’re not going to be able to do that much work, contact the company. They’re usually able to come up with something that works for everyone.

How To Apply

You can find their job openings page here. They offer other remote positions as well – so even if their data entry positions are currently open, you might see another position that feels like a better fit for you!

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  1. Sheila Saraspadi Devi Colunday says:

    I’m Sheila from Mauritius. I’m a housewife. I’m looking for a Genuine Home base Data Entry Jobs. I have good experience in Data Entry.
    I have been working for 10 yrs as Data Entry Operator.
    I have a PC with good internet connection at home.
    I do hope to get a job soon.

  2. Kelly Land says:

    If you’d like to work Smart Locating, you should apply. You’ll never know unless you try :-)

  3. Esperanza Pizarro says:

    No I never work for this company, but I will like to work for them.

  4. I worked for SMART for right at about 3 years. It wasn’t a horrible company to work for I started at the entry level and then I moved to higher up teams multiple times. I really loved the first woman I worked under, but as I moved from team to team the leads just got worse. There were ALWAYS problems with the time and you basically had to argue to get paid for the time you actually worked because your time goes off a counter in their system, if you don’t click a button within a certain amount of time you don’t get credit for your time worked. For example say an apartment complex you’re calling to get the update from answers you ask a question and save the first answer and then they put you on hold for 4 mins.. you’re screwed because you were over the allotted time between saves. And that happened at least every third call. Also, most apartments you were calling HATED you and would yell at you for calling them saying they get a million calls a day. Anyway, it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t the best.

  5. I was going to apply but I did some research and read reviews from ripoff report all saying the same thing, does not look good. Just be careful, I still might try it to get my own experience tho. According to everyone you don’t get paid hourly and alot of them didn’t even get paid? Just look into it more is all

  6. @Inez

    You’ll need to contact the company. I don’t do any hiring here at I just pass along the info :-)

  7. Inez Mersky says:

    I have been an apartment locator for many years and have been using Smartlocating for the past few years as my program for doing my job. I would like very much to get involved in one or more of the work at home
    opportunities that you are offering. I understand that you are hiring people to update information in the Smart-
    Locating Apartment for Locators. I am flexible about working hours and times, and am anxious to know if I meet your criteria for becoming an employee or an independent contractor. If I qualify, of course I have
    questions. Please—-may I hear from you soon?.

  8. I worked for smart apartment data the work is usually steady the pay is okay. It’s very flexible you can work whenever you want to and they pay 9.00 an hour. However if you aren’t meeting their quota daily you will be let go without notice.

  9. Catherine says:

    I know this was written years ago, but I am in the real estate industry and Smart Locating is a HUGE asset! Very reputable company!

  10. @Krisiti
    I have not worked for SmartLocating – I did think about applying though. It sounds like it wouldn’t be bad at all. I do not work for Alpine/Sykes. I know many that so though and like it. I work for a software company doing tech support. I signed a NDA, so I can’t say much. It’s face paced and a tad stressful — but I’m hanging in there.

  11. I am just wondering if you have ever worked for Smart Locating? Or if you have heard from people who have. They seem to be legitimate. The idea of having the flexibility to work when I can is intriguing. Also, best wishes in your new job! It sounds like you are off to a great start! Are you working for Alipine/Sykes here in Colorado?

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