
Site5 Website Hosting Offers Work at Home

Site5 Work at Home
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Site5 Website Hosting and Freelance Work Opportunities

At first Site5 doesn’t look like it would be the kind of place that would have many opportunities for freelance contractors who work out of a home office. Site5 is a company that deals with website hosting and it looks like they might also help with the creation of the websites they host.

Work Opportunities at Site5

Although Site5 supposedly hires freelance contractors, a recent perusal of their website doesn’t make it clear how many freelance contractors they hire, or what positions the contractors would be fulfilling. If I had to make a guess, I’d say that it’s likely the positions would be helping with customer service, or creating content for the websites Site5 hosts

Site5 does have a webpage that does provide information about some positions they’re hoping to fill which currently includes;

  • Customer service specialists
  • Marketing managers
  • Technical support specialists

It does look like some of these positions could be at-home work opportunities.

Site5 is a small company with about 100 employees. In my experience, smaller companies are usually pretty good about treating their freelance contractors with a great deal of respect. On the other hand, smaller companies also tend to place high demands on their freelancers and expect them to get a great deal of work done in a short period of time and also have rigid standards about the amount of time contractors have to dedicate to the company which means you might not be able to take on extra work at home opportunities

The good news is that if you’re able to convince Site5 to hire you in a full time capacity, you’ll qualify for health insurance, 20 paid days of vacation, and a possible chance to advance to a management position after you have been with the company for a year. (See more work at home customer service jobs here.)

My Thoughts About Site5

It appears they are hiring right now. Doing a quick check, I saw a position for “Customer Service Specialist (Live Chat) 10AM-6PM EST Saturday through Wednesday”. So this is certainly something to look into if you're looking for full-time hours and don't mind your weekend as Thursday and Friday. The hours aren't awful either. I've actually worked these hours in customer service from home and it wasn't too bad. It allowed me time to get the kids to school in the morning, exercise, shower etc before I had to be “clocked in”.

Site5 is run by World Wide Web Hosting. You can check out their job openings here: www.wwwh.com/careers

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