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eBook Publishing [Creating Small eBooks for Large Profits – How To]

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Dream of Being Published and Cashing In?

Writing a best selling book has always been appealing to me. To date… I have written no books. Nada. None. Zippo. Sadly, I just never got around to it. But hey… I still dream about it and hope to accomplish it. And I do write, all the time. I've been writing posts for my blog since 1999! So yes, 17 years of writing is a lot. If I could just funnel that energy into a top-selling book! Or how about I start small and venture into an ebook? (Have you considered poetry? You might want to check out my post, Make Money with Poems.)

I've tossed around the idea of writing an ebook for years and years — but always felt like I didn't have enough to say to make a sellable ebook. I searched around for information on how to publish an ebook on Amazon or various other places. But what was I going to write about that wasn't already on my blog? But a few days ago, I had the opportunity to review Amy Harrop's, Piggyback Publishing Profits and it's kinda lit a fire under me. I feel like this IS something I can accomplish, maybe even this year! I guess I just needed some guidance. And I never realized how profitable little ebooks can be! And I mean little — like 15 to 50 pages. Can you sit down and write 15 pages about something you love or are knowledgeable about? Heck — I think I wrote longer papers than that in college.

More recently I've used Sqribble to create ebooks as well. I really wanted to test out their “create an ebook in 60 seconds” promise, and I was very impressed.  There are certainly tools out there to help us all with ebook creation. Making it less painful, so we can get on with making it profitable!

Who is Amy Harrop?

So why would I take advice from Amy about ebook publishing, or even dreaming about writing an ebook that I might be able to profit from? Well, Amy is a very successful Kindle author. So she knows what she's talking about. She also knows about an interesting market in the area of ebooks that is not only lucrative — but allows people like you and me the opportunity to earn some income. For some, it could be very profitable.

Piggyback Publishing… What Is It?

Hear of Cliff Notes? Or how about Spark Notes? Maybe… Jiffy Notes? Basically, these are summaries of books. Cliff Notes were my friend in college. Especially for some of my tougher English and Poetry courses. And it wasn't just me using them — many students were. Heck, I still try and find summaries of movies that are nominated for Oscars that I haven't seen. I want to know the gist of the story, the main characters… their motivations, history etc.

Maybe you too have used Cliff Notes or something similar? I do know that many of us don't have time to read huge books whether it be for leisure, school or work. So these little summaries come in to save the day! And YOU can be the writer of one of these summaries and not only help folks needing the info but profit from it too.

Amy's book, of course, goes into more detail. She offers samples and templates which for me is invaluable. I'm the type of person that just needs that boost to get started. I like steps and seeing examples to get my own footing. Or at least a jumping off point. I think the hardest part about writing anything is just getting started. But knowing that making a profit is a possibility is certainly a nice motivator.

Piggyback Publishing Profits is neatly done, easy to follow and offers screenshots as well. The best part is that she gives real examples so you're not left with doubts.
Make Money Writing Short eBooks. How To Guide.

What I Like About This eBook Publishing Income Venture

Have you heard someone say “work smarter, not harder”? I've seen this over and over again throughout my years of blogging. And it always reminds me to stop trying to reinvent the wheel, stop looking around at what everyone else is doing, stop comparing myself and my work to others and so on. And I get that. When I first started blogging I literally was operating on very little sleep. I had a 7-year-old and a 1-year-old. I was stressed out from losing my job. I was trying to teach myself all things internet and HTML and SEO. It was nuts. I wouldn't want to put my worst enemy through that. Hence — great ideas like this for making money from home. You don't have to write a novel, build a website or a blog…. nope. You can write short, easy to read ebooks and still cash in on a career as a writer. And you can do it all from home…. or heck, anywhere in the world!

So there you have it. If this interests you — I urge you to download Amy's ebook, Piggyback Publishing Profits and start reading! It really is an eye-opener into a passive income where you write once… and make money over and over again each time you make a sale!

In case you're looking for even more fun and profitable publishing ideas, you might want to look into EDU Print Profits. Learn all about how to create EDU Printable Products and Materials (No teaching experience required) that are in high demand …And Profit Big Time! Teachers will love you for it!

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  1. Kelly Land @MoneyMakingMommy.com says:

    I guess my thought process is that if they can already find it for free on your blog – why would they pay for an ebook. But again, I don’t profess to be an expert on the topic. Just my opinion :-)

  2. What’s wrong with writing what is already available on your blog? That’s actually the best thing to put into an ebook (or even a plain old paper book)!

  3. Kelly Land @MoneyMakingMommy.com says:


    I reached out to Amy today and asked about this. She told me she’s no longer offering this book. I am disappointed as well.

  4. I tried the link again(piggyback publishing profits) and it says no product exists, contact seller. Very disappointed. I guess I will look around and see if I can locate it elsewhere.

  5. @Mai
    My struggle is on-going, so I can sympathize. My blog brings me a lot of joy… so having that cathartic outlet is nice. I’ve always said that if my blog helps just one person — then I’m thrilled. Amy’s ebook is $27 – but she offers a 30 day money back guarantee on it. She stands by her products.

  6. Your “was” is my “is”. I hope that makes sense. I meant about when you just started blogging. I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old now and I can totally say those things you mentioned are what I am experiencing now. I am really stuggling on how to start blogging and you are giving me real hope that I can make it. Thanks for this!

    P.S. is Amy’s ebook, Piggyback Publishing Profits, free?

  7. Would you copyright your work every time? I wrote a short story for my son and daughter and waiting for it to be copyrighted. It’s a 6-10 month wait. I really don’t want to wait that long for every book. Is there a secret I need to know.

  8. @Mandy people are definitely publishing fiction ebooks on Amazon!

  9. I’ve always wanted to write a book. Have even started a couple and then I proofread what I have and start “correcting” things. Before I know it what was once almost finished is maybe 2 chapters long. I have read a couple of blogs about ebooks and I kinda assumed they were self help or factual accounts. I think thats where I always get hung up with the idea.

  10. This sounds interesting! Definitely something I need to look into.

  11. I have been looking into making money at home. I just lost my job this last week and I am literally freaking out about how my babies and I are going to make it. Thank you for this post. I will definitely be looking into this and all other possibilities and hope I can figure this out quickly.

  12. Grammar Hawk says:

    Gist not jest > “I want to know the jest of the story, the main characters… their motivations, history etc.”

  13. @Samantha

    Me too! I am hoping this is the year I get it together and write an ebook. Even if it’s tiny! I think it’s that “first step” kinda thing. You just gotta say… “today is the day” — and then dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to it and lazer focus on just the ebook in that 30 minutes. That’s my plan anyway. LOL

  14. This is great inspiration! One of my goals this year is too write an e-book for my blog. I’m bookmarking this for later reference. Thank You. :)

  15. Jackquline says:

    Thanks for the inspiration. Is it possible to create my blog post to ebook? Or can I sell a 5 page ebook?

    Thanks in advance.

  16. Laura Turner says:

    Hi Kelly —

    Thank you for a great article. I need a boost to write a new e-book, as well. I’ve written a couple for Kindle, but it’s been a few years and I would love to add to my profile. Thank you for this great inspiration. And, speaking of inspiration, I just love your site! You have helped me to realize that It is possible to add together all of the work-from-home opportunities that I’ve been growing over the past few years into a solid day job. I’m getting closer and closer all the time. Keep up the great work!

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