Wealthy Affiliate is Used by Many to Make Money Online | Even Beginners!

What is Wealthy Affiliate? Learn more about the Wealthy Affiliate University, including cost.
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“What is Wealthy Affiliate? Full review with lists of both pros and cons, including costs and more. Is the Wealthy Affiliate University program right for you?”

Can I Make Money with Wealthy Affiliate University?

These days everyone is trying to use the Internet to make money and there are hundreds of websites offering you ways to do just that. Some promise overnight success, yet most are full of deceit and will get you almost nothing in terms of wealth. Wealthy Affiliate University is one of those website services that provides help so you can make money through affiliate marketing, but stops short of promising you instant success and riches. But honestly, what is Wealthy Affiliate?

The front page of the Wealthy Affiliate website clearly goes through the steps of how they help you create your own affiliate website. It takes time and commitment to learn what it takes to make Internet marketing into a successful business and they are only interested in working with people who are truly able to commit to the process and are looking for long-term success rather than short-term gain. No pie in the sky from Wealthy Affiliate. That's a good thing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Just about everyone is getting in on affiliate marketing as either a full-time job or a way to earn extra income. You get paid for referring people to companies that you have some sort of business connection with. They could be selling a product, a service or information. The company you are affiliated with sets you up with a free website and pays you for making the referrals. People will go to your website through your clever and sophisticated internet marketing techniques in hopes of clicking on the links and going to the affiliated company to make a purchase.

For example, if you are affiliated with Amazon.com to sell a specific product like electronic candles, your affiliate website has the links on it to find that product and if someone purchases it through your website (you get a unique identification so Amazon would know the click/sale came specifically from you), you get a commission. Ideally, you want your affiliate website link to come up in Google searches so many people can visit your site and purchase products through you, but that can only be achieved with smart affiliate marketing techniques.

How Do You Get Paid with Affiliate Marketing?

The good news is that visitors do not necessarily have to purchase anything for you to make some money. You can earn a set fee even if they just click on the links or ask for information. Every company operates differently, but when you begin an affiliation, this will all be established early in the process. It does not cost you anything to become an affiliate and the company is more than happy to maintain the site just as long as you are promoting their company and products.

As an affiliate marketer – and especially with learning everything step by step through Wealthy Affiliate, you are getting paid just for promoting whatever the company is selling. You do not have to worry about taking orders, delivering products or keeping tabs on inventory. You simply let people know that a product or service exists and you steer them in the right direction to your affiliate company.

With the question of “what is wealthy affiliate?” answered, let's look at the pros and cons.

Wealthy Affiliate University Pros

The Pros About Wealthy Affiliate University

There are many reasons for giving Wealthy Affiliate University a try, some of them are:

1. Wealthy Affiliate is a highly informative resource: Many internet marketers give you just enough information to wet your appetite but fall short of providing you with the necessary tools to get you any real success—unless you shell out hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But Wealthy Affiliate University is different. They actually offer you tools for every aspect of affiliate marketing from how to create a website to figuring out which products you should promote. This is all included in your membership fee making it a very valuable tool in itself.

2. Wealthy Affiliate is a  current resource: The problem with most internet marketers is that the resources and tools they give you are not always up-to-date. What may have worked six or twelve months ago for affiliate marketers does not necessarily work today. The world of affiliate marketing is constantly changing so the marketing techniques need to change too. Wealthy Affiliate University updates their information and their tools. There is also the Share Zone where other members can share and swap ideas and information via documents or videos to help others achieve greater success as well. This is one of the incredible assets you're given when joining Wealthy Affiliate.

3. Wealthy Affiliate offers a personal touch: Believe it or not, you can actually e-mail Kyle and Carson, the owners of Wealthy Affiliate University, with any questions or issues.  ( I HAVE! And I get answers!) The same goes for any of the other members. Kyle and Carson are very big in encouraging their members to rely on each other to learn more. Oh, and you can get paid for helping a member out through their Wealthy Affiliate Gold program.

4. With Wealthy Affiliate you can make money for learning: That is right—as a Wealthy Affiliate University member, you will get thirteen Gold pieces which is the equivalent of a dime per piece. If a member helps you out by offering great advice or information, you can reward them by giving them some of your gold. The owners use their own money to do this which amounts to a few thousand dollars each month. While it may not be a lot, it is certainly a way to encourage members to help each other out and the more you help, the more gold you will get.

Another great benefit to Wealthy Affiliate University is their job board. As an affiliate marketer, there are certain tasks that are required like data entry, article submissions and writing, website design and much more. You cannot be expected to do it all so you can outsource these jobs to other members. At the same time, if you are just starting out, this is a great way to start earning some money on the other end of affiliate marketing and understand more of how it all works.

Wealthy Affiliate Review

The Cons of Wealthy Affiliate University

While there are many reasons to join this company, there are a few glitches that some people may find bothersome such as:

1. Wealthy Affiliate can be TMI (Too Much Information): Information is probably the best tool to get you started in affiliate marketing, but sometimes there is so much of it that you do not know where to start. Such is the case with Wealthy Affiliate University. The site often suggests you go to the member forum and introduce yourself to the other members, but once there, you are overloaded with the many people there and all of them have links leading you all over the place. This is the biggest complaint from members.

2. Ignoring your questions: Yes, you can e-mail the owners directly and many do, but some members have complained that their e-mails went unanswered. This is not a common complaint, but it has happened.

3. With Wealthy Affiliate forget about phone support: If you would like to talk to a person via the telephone, you are going to be out of luck here. There is no phone option for communicating with owners or members. Some people do not like not having this option. Doesn't bother me though, I like dealing with strictly email – getting stuck a phone for anything bugs me.  I have kids remember… talking on the phone would be inconvenient for me.

4. Wealthy Affiliate doesn't offer enough multimedia (in my opinion): Words are great, but sometimes a visual is better. Wealthy Affiliate University offers very little in the way of video assistance or guidance. If you are a visual learner, you are going to have to make do with whatever they currently have set up on their site.

5. More focus on sales-based programs than other programs: There are a few ways to earn money through affiliate marketing—sales, cost per action, cost per lead or pay per lead. Aside from the sales method, the others will make you money just by having people click on the links to get to your affiliate company’s site. They worry about the sale rather than you. But sales-based programs mean you make the sale and then earn commission from it. While these can be more lucrative, the other methods, if marketed correctly, can still earn you lots of money and Wealthy Affiliate University should have more of a focus on that as well.

6. The Wealthy Affiliate membership fee: Being a member of Wealthy Affiliate University is not free. It will cost you $47 dollars a month. Many people took issue with the $66 they used to charge — so it's been lowered.

Tips for Getting Through the Cons

Here are some ideas on navigating your way through Wealthy Affiliate University:

• Remember Once Your a Wealthy Affiliate Member to Remain FOCUSED: When you visit the forums, do not get lost in all the member links and signatures. Just ask a question if you have one and use the basics first for getting started rather than drowning in a sea of information.

• Only ask specific questions: Members and the owners are not going to waste time answering a question that is clearly outlined in the website and in the tools provided. However, if you ask a specific question where experience and knowledge is key, you will be more likely to get an answer.

• Do what you can, not what others do: Everyone’s skill level is different. Stick with doing things you can do rather than trying to get too fancy. If one method or technique does not work for you, feel free to use something else or tweak the existing one. There is nothing written in stone that says you have to use the tools exactly the way they were intended to be used.

• Have patience: You are not going to make your first millions in a month. You may not even make your first hundred in that time. Affiliate marketing requires patience and hard work. Your marketing techniques will still be evolving even after you open up shop and some will work and some will fail. In the beginning, it is trial and error, so do not lose hope if things get off to a slow start.

• Little successes are big too: Even if it took months to get that first sale, that is something to celebrate. Think of all the hard work you put in to get that sale and be proud of your accomplishment. This is a time to celebrate rather than despair.

• Unorthodox working hours are to be expected: Forget about those eight-hour work days. That does not really exist with affiliate marketing. Be prepared to put in countless hours of time in order to gain success with this type of venture. And even then, success may not happen until long after you began. But you won't know unless you try, right? Look at my site, MoneyMakingMommy.com. I never dreamed I achieve this level of success.

Is Wealthy Affiliate University Legitimate?

It is more than legitimate—it is a wealth of information and tools to make your affiliate marketing business a huge success. They do not promise you the moon and the stars like many others do. They know it is not realistic to think millions can be made this quickly and easily. For that alone, they are more than legitimate—they are honest. I personally, would not be making the income I do each month without using Wealthy Affiliate as a guide. It's become like an assistant to me!

My Wealthy Affiliate Online Sign Up

What do I do now? Well – you have options. Ponder and research Wealthy Affiliate some more – or go ahead and get started on your money making dreams today. And remember — they do have a FREE option if you just want to look around and bit before full on committing to anything. I also think that's a good thing! And it's not just a free trial… nope, you can remain a free member as long as you like. I'm ready to check out Wealthy Affiliate and get started!

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