Freelance Transcription Jobs – WeScribeIt Review

Freelance Transcription Jobs with WeScribeIt
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WeScribeIt – Transcription Job Options

(Currently they are not hiring.)

WeScribeIt is a company that provides transcription services to a variety of clients. The company is based out of California. One of the things I really like about WeScribeIt is that they don’t force you to wait for months while they decide if they’re interested in your services. They will review your application as soon as you submit it. If they feel you’re qualified and will be a good match for their team, they’ll contact you right away and get you started.

The other thing I like about WeScribeIt is that they have done a good job connecting with lots of clients, which means there’s always plenty of work available. A large portion of the files that need to be transcribed are medical files, though the company does do some work with law firms and executives.


While WeScribeIt is quite good about making sure you get paid on time, the amount they pay is lower than some other work at home opportunities. They currently have their prices set so that you would earn ½ a cent for each word you transcribe. That means after completing a 500-word file, you would only make $2.50. The price does go up a little bit, to $0.0075 if you’re working on medical files.

It’s too bad that WeScribeIt isn’t willing to pay their transcribers better because they really are a good company to work for. They’re great when it comes to communication and have plenty of interesting work available. I think that if you’re just starting to earn a living from your home and need to get some transcription experience, WeScribeIt is a great place to start. Once you have some mileage, you can apply to the transcription services that pay better but will only consider applicants with experience.

As of right now, WeScribeIt will only higher United States residents.

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