Using Twitter to Find a Job (That Lets You Work Remotely!)

Work at Home Job Listings
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Who's Posting Jobs on Twitter?

If you have ever had to worry about how you would pay the electric bill before it has even arrived, rest assured you are not alone. With the cost of groceries increasing and the lack of high paying jobs available, it can be difficult to make ends meet. One option that people in this situation may find helpful is to get a stay at home job to supplement their income. There are many reasons why someone might be looking for a work at home job which is why there are so many different home based business opportunities. But if you are unsure where to turn to find these types of job listings, here are some Twitter accounts that could lead you to your next employer.


I post job leads on Twitter all the time. Probably more like every day. So if you like the ease of getting job leads on Twitter, be sure to follow my Twitter account for MoneyMakingMommy at kellyland_mmm (


While many people may think that to work at home you much sell make-up for answer calls at odd hours, the reality is that there are a variety of home based jobs that are quite similar to the kind of work you could do in an office setting. To find out more about telecommuting or flextime job listings head on over to the FlexJobs twitter page.

Work at Home Mom Revolution

Another great Twitter account that you may want to follow that also tries to help out moms is Work at Home Mom Revolution. Of course, you don’t have to be a mom to check out this twitter feed or to apply for the job listings that it tweets about because the jobs are open to anyone who meets the qualifications. If you are a mom, you will surely be joining a lot of followers that are stay at home moms looking to make some money while at home taking care of their kids. Start following the tweets now at Work at Home Mom Revolution.

Real Ways to Earn Money Online

A good twitter account to follow for not just great work at home job leads, but also other helpful work at home info that you'll find interesting and well-researched. Real Ways to Earn

Not Now Mom's Busy

Another great work at home mom blog that shares work at home info and job leads. Be sure to follow Cori at Not Now Mom's Busy for fresh leads.

Finding Job Matches with Twitter is Possible

I realize this post is mostly about using Twitter to find remote and virtual jobs, which include the latest rise in gig job popularity. But you can also use find brick and mortar jobs too. There are specific job fields and sectors that are specific. For instance, there is a Twitter account just for government jobs, here.

Twitter is a resource that can be used for your job search — and to follow particular companies that you're interested in working for too.

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  1. I was looking for this info for a friend who asked me where to get ideas on work at home jobs and I gave her two from your list. I will sure to forward your article to her. Thank you! :)

  2. Thanks so much for including my Twitter feed! I am very appreciative! :)

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