
Freelance Typing Jobs Online and at Home

Freelance Typing Jobs
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Where to find freelance typing jobs.

Freelance Typing Jobs – Actual Resources

Freelance typing is a hot topic here at MoneyMakingMommy.com. Emails come in every week from those wanting a part-time or full time freelance typing job from home.

So let's talk about typing speed right off the bat. Before we get down to where to look for all these great freelance typing jobs – can you even type? Can you type fast? For me… it's about 55 wpm. That's not amazing, but it's decent. You can go to a site like Typing Test and take a little 60 second test to see where you stand. If you're around 30wpm or less, I think some typing brush up courses might be needed. Or it certainly wouldn't hurt.

Now if you're typing is pretty fast and your accuracy is decent too, then you'll need to make sure that you've got a cover letter and resume prepared and handy. Not all will ask for this, heck… some might not even interview you, but you want to be ready when you see a job that you want to go for. (See my post, List of Genuine Work at Home Data Entry Jobs – Updated for more jobs that might interest you.)

Now… Where are These Freelance Typing Jobs?

I'm going to try and break this down into an easy format so that those reading can skim right to where they want to go to if they want to.

Typing jobs for…

Entrepreneur Type/Outgoing/Self Starter

Back in the day (like 10 years ago) this wasn't a thing — but I feel like I need to mention it because people are making a lot of money this way. There are sites like Fiverr, Fourer and Gigwalk (you can read about sites like these here) that allow people like you and me to create our own little “store front” online at no expense (kinda). It costs nothing to get started on one of these sites, but they will take a percentage of your earnings. I know… it sucks, but it's SUPER easy to get started and they have all kinds of traffic from eager shoppers, so you just need to let your skills shine.

I was curious about this myself – so just for kicks, I created a Fiverr account and thought, I'll give this a month and we'll see what kind of money can be made. I actually made $240 my first month. There was a learning curve for me at first. There are buyers out there that will take complete advantage of you. I had to tweak and change my gigs along the way or actually lose money because of time involved and because I was doing graphics, the cost of the images.

BUT — I was able to tweak it and keep going. It truly was just an experiment — but I learned there is absolutely money to be made. And though I wasn't offering typing, there sure are folks on there selling their typing services. So don't be afraid to just go out on your own and try something like this.

Typing jobs for…

Casual Jobseeker/Just Part-Time Work

If you're looking for work to pick up here and there (and even something more substantial) I'd recommend sites that cater to freelancers and temporary work for the most part. In most cases, I'd recommend checking out sites like Upwork.com, Freelancer.com and Craigslist.org. (Always use caution with Craigslist.org – never meet anyone alone. Do not give personal info until you're absolutely comfortable and have verified who you're speaking to. I know this goes without saying – but I just want you to be careful and most of all safe.)

You can usually find work on these sites for those seeking help with a project/assignment. Sometimes it's a quick job and sometimes it can be three months or six months. There are times when something part-time or freelance becomes full time — but that's because they love your work or the work load just keeps getting bigger and they need help.

Typing jobs for…

Full-time Employment

So now it's all about the real deal. Finding permanent work as a typist. Of course – you can use all the resources above to create a full-time income – but if you're wanting actual employment with benefits — you'll want to try a few different places that might garner better results. The first one I'm going to suggest is Indeed.com. I use Indeed a lot when I am doing my searches for work at home leads.

Of course, you can always check the job board here at MoneyMakingMommy.com too. I post transcription jobs pretty much every week. So there are bound to be transcription leads on their right now.

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  1. @Christine
    It’s super easy. I just created my account and named my shop/company and created my first gig offer and I was set.

  2. Okay, now you have my attention. I’ve been snooping around your site most of the afternoon, reading all I can, and this is the article that stood out to me. I’ve checked out Fivver before, but thought “Naw, not for me”. I’ve done a little more digging on the site and after reading this post, might give it a shot. My only question is, how do you open a “shop”?

    I’ve loved perusing through your site today, can’t wait for more. And to think I’ve been a subscriber for quite some time but never really checked you out before. My bad! :)

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