Cambridge Transcriptions Review

Cambridge Transcriptions
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“Cambridge Transcriptions offers work at home transcription jobs covering both legal and corporate transcription. Learn more.”

Cambridge Transcriptions – Find Transcription Work at Home

Cambridge Transcriptions offers both legal and corporate transcription jobs. Most of their clients are among the high-powered corporate set and they have a reputation for professionalism. The good news is that they offer transcription jobs that you can do at home if you are qualified. (Don't forget, you can check out my big list of transcription jobs that are work from home by reading through my post, Online Transcription Jobs That You Can Do From Home.)

Who Can Work for Cambridge Transcriptions?

To qualify for this home based job opportunity, you need at least one year of legal transcription or court reporting experience. You also need to be able to follow instructions and pay close attention to details. If you have some kind of legal knowledge, it will definitely benefit you in this kind of work. If you fit the qualifications, can you apply by sending in your resume via email. By following these steps your chances of finding transcription work just got better.

After You Land the Job

If you successfully get a job with Cambridge Transcriptions, the next step is to go through their online training sessions. This online course will teach you their unique procedures and how to use their software. You have to complete this training before you can ever start working… it’s absolutely mandatory.

Once you are done with the training, you will start receiving transcription assignments. At this point, you will take the voice files and transcribe court proceedings, lectures, interviews, conference calls, and more. The good news is that it won’t get boring because the workload is always varied. Just keep in mind that this is a fast-paced job so you will have to work hard to keep up!

What About Pay?

I wasn’t able to find any legitimate information about how much Cambridge Transcriptions pays. They keep this information private so you should ask about it when you submit your application.

The Bottom Line

This company is obviously professional and they are fairly well known when you do a quick web search. If you are looking for a steady transcription job and you have the legal expertise to pull it off, it’s definitely worth your time to email in your resume. Go to their employment page, here, to learn more.

Wondering if transcription is for you? There is an awesome FREE 7 Day Mini-Course from Transcribe Anywhere that might help. There is no obligation or anything to pay. It's just a free course to help you decide if transcription is something you're really interested in by giving you really great insight.

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One Comment

  1. Carmen Sanchez says:

    I did just apply to Cambridge, did all the tests, all the paperwork. There was no online training course. What I was asked to do was an undisclosed amount of audio over two weeks, no pay. I could not find out how many audio hours it was going to be. There was no software training or anything like that. There was not really much difference at all from any other corporate transcription I’ve ever done. I shouldn’t have, but I did 2 hours anyway. Got no feedback of any kind. Based on the formatting, the pay would have amounted to about 62 cents per audio minute. This was just free work. I’ve been transcribing a long time and II do not trust this company now.

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