Telecommuting Jobs & Employment – Who’s Hiring Right Now?

Companies Offering Telecommuting Jobs
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Telecommuting Companies Offer the Work at Home Jobs You're Looking For

If you’ve been searching everywhere for great telecommuting jobs, you certainly aren’t alone. It does sound like a dream come true to find a great job with a big, established company and still enjoy the many benefits of working from home. Unfortunately, most of us never get to live out this dream because we just can’t find the opportunities. Today, that’s all going to change. I’ve compiled a list of 7 companies that offer telecommuting jobs so you can check out the possibilities and finally find the work at home job you’ve always wanted.

List of Legitimate Telecommuting Companies

These 7 companies were carefully selected from hundreds that appear during a quick web search. Truthfully, many companies claim to allow telecommuting, but few of them do it with the same salary and benefits. These 7 telecommuting jobs have a long-term track record of treating telecommuter’s right. Many of these companies build entire divisions with home based jobs. So take a minute to scope out the options and see if one of them might be a good fit for you.
1. Aetna –
According to my research, Aetna employed over 34,000 individuals last year and brought in around $34 billion in revenue. This company works in the insurance industry and offers telecommuting jobs. Employees that work from home primarily process claims, but there are also a few additional positions for medical personnel who can work from home too. Doctors, nurses, and even managers employed by Aetna will often work from home.

Tip: Try doing a search for “telework” when browsing available positions. Keep in mind that some positions aren’t listed as home-based opportunities, but Aetna will sometimes transition a position to telework, so it’s worth applying.
2. American Express –
We all know American Express, right? Some of us know it a little too well… ugh! This credit company employs more than 60,000 people and brought in around $30 billion last year. A major portion of American Express employees work from home! Both the travel division and the corporate division offer telecommuting jobs.

Tip: Try searching in the jobs category with keywords like “virtual” or “work at home”. Many telecommuting jobs will be listed under the call center, travel counselor, sales, or corporate departments.

Read my post, American Express Work at Home Jobs for even more insight.
3. AT&T –
AT&T offers more than great wireless service. They are also providing jobs to 267,000 people and many of them work at home. This huge company brought in $125 billion in 2011 and telecommuting employees did a large portion of the work. In 2010, AT&T reported that over 12,000 employees worked from home and the number just continues to grow.

Tip: AT&T mixes in home based jobs with the other jobs, so it will take a little time to weed through them. Hang in there… there are lots of good jobs listed almost every month.
4. Cigna –
Cigna is another huge insurance company that offers telecommuting jobs to about 10% of its 30,600 employees. Cigna offers telecommuting jobs for a variety of positions ranging from nursing to claims processing to analysts.

Tip: Most telecommuting jobs at Cigna will be listed as “work from home” or “work at home” so be sure to try those keywords.
5. Cisco –
Cisco is a technology company that is highly interested in taking everything virtual. They are pushing forward with more telecommuting jobs as time goes by. Cisco sponsors a massive “Telework Week” every year in February where they raise awareness of the productivity benefits of home-based employment. It is reported that the average person who works at Cisco (there are almost 71,000 employees) works at home two days a week and 85 percent of employees always work at home.

Needless to say, Cisco is a great option if you want a company that is truly determined to continue moving forward with telecommuting. To top it off, Cisco was voted at #20 in the “100 Best Companies to Work For” by Fortune as seen on CNN Money (LINK TO ARTICLE –

Tip: Look for “flexible work options” in Cisco job listings.
6. Deloitte –
At number 6, we have Deloitte, a consulting firm that also made the Fortune list of amazing companies to work for at #63. Deloitte was the leading telecommuting company listed with more than 85 percent of employees regularly working remotely. Deloitte allows employees to telecommute as often as they want and use videoconferencing software to conduct meetings between employees and their clients.

Even better, Deloitte employees are given a benefit called “Mass Career Customization” which sounds complicated, but is basically just a whole lot of freedom. If you work for this company, you really get some flexibility in determining your schedule, workload, and potential career development.

Tip: Telecommuting jobs aren’t listed separately since almost everyone works remotely. Just find a position you are interested in and chances are that you can do it from home.
7. IBM –
IBM has been around for a while and is well known in the information technology industry. They have more than 425,000 employees and many of them work from home. In 2009, IBM released a statement that they hoped to continue expanding their telecommuting opportunities and offer increased compensation to their employees who agreed to work at home. They claim that telecommuting increases productivity and reduces energy waste. Most of the telecommuting jobs available with IBM will be either sales or marketing.

Tip: Telecommuting eligibility is determined when you are hired, so jobs won’t be listed separately.

Telecommuting Proposal

You're Ready for Telecommuting Employment? But Your Company Isn't on This List

Before approaching your supervisor about telecommuting employment, do your homework. Keep a log of what you do on your job for 2 weeks. Divide the tasks into 3 columns: work that can be done at the alternative work site (usually home), work that can only be done at the office, and work that could be done either on or off-site. If the tasks in the ‘alternative work site' comes up short, you need to re-think telecommuting. And if it is fairly long, you may have a good case for telecommuting employment.

Telecommuting is becoming more and more prevalent! An added note for those wanting to telecommute. I've read many articles out there on the benefits of telecommuting on workers. (And the companies they work for!) Stress levels go down. That's HUGE. Just think how many diseases are affected or even brought about by high levels of stress.

I've read that everything from cancer to heart disease can be aggravated by stress. Not to mention the mental health toll! How many cases of mild to moderate depression are brought on from overly stressful jobs, too much time away from family and having to go back to work so shortly after having a baby! Antidepressants are handed out like candy anymore. If folks could work at home, they might have time to add exercise to their day, plan better, more healthy diets eating at home too!

To Get Started on Your Attempt at Telecommuting

* Consider your department's needs and concerns your supervisor might have about telecommuting. How is telecommuting employment going to make his/her job easier/better, meet the department's needs, enhance productivity, impact costs, etc.? These questions need to be answered before you approach your supervisor.

* Figure out in advance as many technical details as possible. What equipment would you need, what would it cost, is it compatible with your alternative workspace?

* If you plan on using your own equipment, what expectations do you have from your supervisor regarding reimbursement for its use/repairs and for other costs relating to telecommuting employment?

* What type of schedule are you seeking? How will you arrange for supervision, what will be your “core hours” in the office? In what ways will you work to stay “connected” with other team members at the office?

And Don't Forget to Mention in Your Proposal

* What does your alternative office site look like in terms of safety and efficiency?

* Is dependent care is needed? what plans do you have to ensure that telecommuting employment does not look like a substitute for child or elder care?

* If you have answered all of the above questions to your satisfaction, fill out a Proposal for Telecommuting (see sample) and request a meeting with your supervisor.

* If your request is denied, find out precisely what your supervisor's concerns are to see if you can do anything else to make telecommuting a reality. And if the answer is still “No,” remember that telecommuting is a supervisory option and not an employee benefit or right. You need to accept the answer as “No” or consider looking for another job that is more appropriate for telecommuting.

Sample Telecommuting Employment Proposal You Can Present to Your Boss


Employee's Name:

Supervisor's Name:

Body of Telecommuting Proposal

I, ___________(Name)___________________________, am requesting to telecommute with my job as ____________(Job Title)__________________, beginning on _______(Date)____________. Potential impact of my telecommuting on my department may include the following (e.g. impact on operations/work flow, potential advantages, potential disadvantages): _________________________________. The schedule I would desire for telecommuting is: _______________________________________________ My alternative work site would be: _______________________________________________ A description of this alternative work site is: _____________________________________________ (eg. a spare bedroom with door away from most family activity that is well ventilated, has good lighting, many electrical outlets, phone jack, etc.) Equipment I would need from this department would include: ______________________________________________. Equipment I already own and am willing to use includes: _______________________________________________ .My expectations from the department to support me in telecommuting are: ______________________________________________ (e.g. provide PC, fax, modem, telephone line, pay for insurance on equipment). My expectations for supervision are: _______________________________ (e.g. frequency, how work would be reviewed). Check one: ______ I do not have dependent care needs ______ I do have dependent care needs that are met as follows: __________________________________________________ I would like to review my telecommuting agreement in _______ months to determine its effectiveness on my job performance. Thank you for your consideration. ______________________________________

Employee Name

Final Thoughts

There ya go! Just a bit of a push in the direction you'll want to be going in when you approach your current employer. Be prepared to answer questions and be honest. In some cases – it's just not possible for the employer to allow you to work at home.

Of course, there are many tools out there for you. Never get too discouraged!

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  1. please send me the top 7 companies

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