
An Online Scoring Job You Can Do at Home

Online Scoring Job
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Grade Essays, Tests and More with an Online Scoring Job

Measurement Inc. is in search of individuals who love working at home and are willing to read through what can add up to hundreds of academic papers that includes everything from essays to performance assessments. The projects cover a wide array of topics, including: math, history, science, English, social science, and more. The projects come from all over the country. Some are submitted by elementary students while others projects are college level work. Some of the projects I worked on had been scanned into the computers, others were given to me in video form.

Getting Started

I loved how professional the entire hiring process felt. Preparing to apply to work at Measurement Inc. felt very much like I was preparing for a job in a traditional office environment. Not only did I have to prove that I did indeed have a bachelor’s degree, but I was also asked to submit a letter of recommendation. Once my recommendation letter and degree were double checked, Measurement Inc. requested I take a placement test. They used my score to determine which projects I’d work on. The entire application process went quite smoothly.

Once my application was accepted and processed, Measurement Inc. provided me with all the training I needed. Not only did the training program provide me with the skills I needed to accurately read and evaluate the project assigned to me, it was also paid, something I really appreciated. Switching to a different project required additional training. The company was good about promptly paying for any subsequent training I required. The reason for the additional training is because each project has a unique scoring process. (Write Score is another company that offers jobs that allow you to grade tests and essays from home.)

Should You Submit Your Application to Measurement Inc.?

While I quite enjoyed my experiences, an online scoring job isn’t for anyone. The biggest issue I think some people might encounter is that the projects, especially the long ones, are very repetitive and can become tedious. There are times when it can be difficult to stay focused and enthused about the work.

The Biggest Drawbacks

While I think that Measurement Inc. is a great way to earn a decent income while working at home, it’s important to remember that an online scoring job with them is seasonal work. It won’t sustain you throughout the year. The busiest time of the year for this company is January through June. There are some projects available during the other six months of the year, but you shouldn’t depend on them providing you with a substantial amount of income.

For me, the biggest headache with Measurement Inc. was with regards to their pay. They were reliable about making sure I got paid on time, but since the amount I was paid from one project to the next varied, it was difficult to create a long term budget. Not knowing exactly how much I could count on making from one project to the next made me reluctant to turn Measurement Inc. into my main source of income during their busy months. I do think it’s a great deal for anyone who works at home and has a short list of clients who provide freelance work that can be used to supplement the Measurement Inc. income.

Is Measurement Inc. Right for You?

I feel that as long as you have the required bachelor’s degree and don’t mind work that can be a bit monotonous, it’s worth applying to Measurement Inc. and trying them out for a season, just be ready to have another source of income lined up when the season ends. I feel it’s a great opportunity for anyone who is trying to earn some additional money that they can set aside for a special occasion or use to get ahead of a pesky bill.

Finding Jobs at Measurement, Inc and Applying

Applying is can be done easily online. You can find more info about the work at home position here. And then there is an online search form to find the specific job to apply to here.

Also – is you really love the idea of being an online test scorer – I encourage you to check out all the current companies looking for scorers here on Indeed.

You can also check out other companies that offer online test scoring jobs right here at MoneyMakingMommy.com.

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  1. I worked for this company last year. I had set hours (6pm to 10pm) with a 15 min break.

  2. It was flexible when I did seasonal work for them. And reviews for Measurement, INC. on Glassdoor — a lot of people saying it was flexible too.

  3. Since it seems that you worked for this company, I have a question. As I read this company’s information, it states that you are required to work Mon-Fri during the grading season. Are you required to work certain set hours on these days? Or am I able to put in the hours at odd times of the day? Thanks!

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