Helios Media Review – Work at Home Phone Agents

Helios Media Review
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My Thoughts Regarding Helios Media

**UPDATE: I believe Helios is now eDegree Advisor

I firmly believe that no work at home opportunity should be ignored which is why I decided to check out Helios Media.

One of the first things you should know about Helios Media is that while it does provide a legit way to earn money without leaving the comfort of your own home, it is a telephone service so if you don’t like talking to people on the phone and trying to convince them to sign up for programs, this might not be a good match for you.

Getting Started with Helios Media

I don’t think I’ve ever had an easier time signing up for a work at home opportunity. Helio Media has done a marvelous job of keeping everything very simple. They have a very informative video posted on their home page which does a marvelous job of explaining exactly what the company is all about and why you’ll enjoy working for them. After watching the video, the company has posted a handful of yes/no questions that serve as a job application.

I heard back from the company within a few hours of submitting the application questions and was quickly given my first assignments. The entire process was very quick and free of stress.

Causes for Concern

I’ll admit that I have heard a few things about Helio Media that have made me hesitant to devote more than a few hours of my time to them each week. The first was that they’re not always good about paying their employees. Now that I’ve been working for them for about a month and have had no trouble getting the money I’m owed, I’m starting to suspect that there might be another side to that particular story.

The other report came from a close friend of mine who once worked for Helio Media who was unexpectedly fired for not making enough successful phone connections. Since these types of situations are common when dealing with work at home opportunities, I strongly urge everyone who comes to me for advice to diversify.

Final Thoughts on Helios Media

Even though I haven’t been working for Helio Media for very long, I’m optimistic. This is definitely a legit work at home opportunity. The company seems to be very organized and has been very pleasant to work for. The individuals I’ve called have all been a delight to work with. Personally, I wish other telemarketing opportunities were as easy to get along with.


Have experience with Helios? Share your comments below – it helps everyone. Thanks so much.

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  1. I worked for Helios Media briefly for about a month. I barely got through the training. Then started working for them. My issues were distractions at home kept me from performing and my guess they thought it was an excuse. How does my whole family coming down with the flu in February be an excuse? It was during the high flu season too. This was several years ago. The little bit of time I did work for them. I never got a paycheck. So that was a red flag for me too. They told me I was fired after three times having to focus on my family when they were sick. First it was my son, who gave it to my husband and then it was given to me. It circulated in my house for two weeks before we all felt better. Sorry, I will not work for them again. The trainers were nice for the most part I will give them that compliment. The on-boarding process was simple and easy to do. Then there was the training process all those modules to go through. Lot’s of time invested in those modules. They need to simplify that process. I noticed someone asked if you had to pay for anything. No, is the answer to that. You needed a computer with internet and a cell phone. They prefer a headset too. Basically you need to have your home office set up so that you can be ready to start with them. I had done telemarketing before but found out I just did not like working in that industry. Now I work from home and have my own virtual assistant agency.

  2. do i need pay any money (fee) in order get this job

  3. @John
    Thanks for sharing your experience with Helios. I think it helps for readers to have the good and the bad for a company.

  4. Its obvious the positive comments are from manages at Helios or what is now edegree advisor. This company after changing its name abruptly didn’t even send out new contracts. They tell the agents to tell customers they are headquartered in false locations. They do not adhere to the no call list. They severely blur the lines of employee and contractor. They have jumped offices from state to state several times. Its obvious the owner or so called owner is hiding. Aka Rob. Check them out. When you start asking the wrong questions you get terminated. You can’t even get a check stub. They will tell you you cannot get one. Beware this is a company on the run.

  5. C. Johnson says:

    I have worked at Helios Media and found the experience very positive. The earning potential is very good, as they require you to work a minimum of 4 hours daily, however, you can work as much as you want, including Saturdays. They pay $10/hour plus commission. It is very easy to make $12-$14 and up if you put forth the effort and you are disciplined.! I was paid on time, twice a month, by direct deposit without any problems. This is a perfect position for anyone who wants to stay at home and have a legitimate income. I highly recommend this company.

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