StartUpLift: Leave FeedBack, Get Paid


Get Paid to Offer Feedback on Websites Through Startuplift

Of all the many websites out there which offer you a means of supplemental income, Startuplift has been added to the list. This website offers users two things. For new entrepreneurs, their company is provided a means of exposure to clients, users, and possible prospects. Any new business owner knows the difficulties of gaining that initial visibility and that is where Startuplift comes into play. The other thing this website offers new users is providing invaluable feedback to the company from real users.

Making Money with Startuplift

Making money with startuplift can be done by registering for a free account. Then one can visit the posts section. They select a post or startup company which is similar to their interests and then they provide valuable feedback to the questions asked about the new companies. These companies read over the responses and select the best ones. Those which are selected as the most useful receive a cash award via Paypal. (See my post, Website Tester Jobs That Pay $1 to $15 Per Test for a big list of other website tester jobs you can check out just like this one.)

Getting Feedback Through Startuplift

To advertise your company on Startuplift, companies pay for sponsorship on a month-to-month basis. Either party reserves the right to cancel at any time. Payments are made through Paypal and the ads become renewable each month unless a subscription is canceled. Companies can purchase 125 X 125 ad units. These units are then displayed at the sidebar on the right of each page on Startuplift. For these ads, only four are available for $99 per month. An ad image is sent to Startuplift with a link URL.

The other option is a 250 X 250 monthly sponsorship. These are displayed at the top of every page on the right-hand side under the section “monthly sponsor”. Only one spot is available for these for $500 per month.

The company claims that they do not charge for anything to simply feature a startup, but they ask that before submitting a startup, that you provide feedback on another. Their incentives and rewards seem to encourage user participation. Startuplift offers an optional means of providing awards to the members of the community who provide feedback which is insightful.

Statuplift works with the startup companies by assigning feedback which addresses the right issues for which your company is seeking information. Startup companies ask questions of the users such as finding out how users would react to new options placed on a website after logging in such as “What was your initial impression of what you saw? Were you drawn immediately to click on any buttons? Why? Why not?

Final Thoughts

The Startuplift company works with the beginning users to find out what is working for your startup company and how to improve the user website experience. Overall the company is legit, offering minimal incentives for professionals to work together to provide insightful information regarding your startup business in an effort to better the entrepreneurial experience, getting the exposure that you need.

However, the exposure is minimal with a leniency in whether or not your startup company will receive useful and multiple feedback. The incentives to place your business here is that it is at least some exposure, and you add to the community and in return receive help from the community.
Update: It appears they've gone out of business.

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