Arise Work From Home | Full Review

Arise Work from Home
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“The Arise work from home opportunity… Is it the right company for you? Read this full review.”

If You Want a Work at Home Career Opportunity, Try

Over the years, I’ve seen tons of information floating around the Internet about Arise work from home jobs. Even though they seemed to be all over work at home forums, message boards, and blogs, I initially didn’t want to review them. My main beef with the whole Arise work from home movement was that you have to pay to get started with them. That’s a big no-no when you are trying to avoid scams.

I’ve always had the personal rule that I wouldn’t trust any company that required me to pay them for a job. So you might be surprised that I came around and decided to review Arise. I think the difference with this company is that they are actually offering you a business… not just a job. (See my post, Online Customer Service Jobs to see a great big list of jobs that are work from home like this one.)

Here’s the thing – once you finish the sign-up process with Arise, you literally own your own business. Arise just serves as a consultant to connect you with potential clients, but you can branch out away from them at any time and have your own customer service business. (See my post, Online Customer Service Jobs to check out a huge list of work at home jobs like this one.)

Obviously, Arise isn’t going to be a good fit for everyone. They are a center company. But if you are highly ambitious, great with people, and really want your own company, it’s at least worth considering. So without further ado, let’s jump in and learn more about how to work at home with

What Kind of Jobs Will I Do For

You basically work in customer service or sales. Arise doesn’t hire you directly, but instead, they connect you with clients who hire you to work in their customer service departments. Arise is the middleman, connecting you with the big companies who need customer service employees. The companies trust Arise because they know all employees at have proper training.

Individual jobs will really vary. Each company has their own customer service needs. The typical job will involve email support or a chat support where you answer questions. There will also be plenty of phone support needed.

Why Does Arise Ask For Money Upfront?

I was so tempted to write off when I saw that they required you to pay money to sign up. BUT when I dug deeper, I realized why. Arise actually asks you to pay to incorporate your own business before you sign up. So you are really paying to incorporate, which costs about $100. This is really a good investment if you plan to begin a long-term career working from home.

There are some other fees you will encounter at the beginning with Here is a total look at the breakdown of what it costs to get started:

• Incorporations – around $100
• Background Check – $12-25 depending on your state
• High-speed Internet – approximately $50/month
• Phone Equipment – $35-100
• Separate Phone Line – $20/month
• Basic Certification Program – $99

Out of all of the start-up expenses, only one is paid directly to Arise. That is for the certification program. Some of the additional expenses might not apply to you. For instance, you might already have high-speed Internet or appropriate phone equipment. If you have a current background check, all of the actual office requirements and equipment, and have already incorporated, then technically you could start out with only the certification program fee of $99.

How Much Money Can I Make with Arise?

The Arise platform offers a really great opportunity to make money from the comfort of your home. Most employees make $9 to $19 per hour. Your actual pay rate depends on which clients you work for as well as bonuses, incentives, and other outside factors that vary with employers. pays you twice per month. Your earnings are automatically deposited into a business bank account, so there is no hassle with waiting on checks or moving money from PayPal to your bank account.

How to Apply With

The first step to applying at Arise is to complete a quick assessment. This helps Arise look at your skills and match you with potential employers. You will also have to look over their contract and make sure you are comfortable with the terms of using Arise as a consultant to help you find employers.

Next, you will have a background check. As long as it is approved, you can move towards the certification program. Arise allows you to spend seven days on the program. Then you will have to be prepared with an incorporated business and all equipment in place before you are matched with employers.

Arise Work From Home Schedules and/or Hours

Arise is great for busy parents. They offer flexible scheduling and only require you to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Various clients have needs for customer service on all shifts and all days. You can choose the ones that will suit your schedule the best. That’s the beauty of Arise. You fit work in around your family, rather than the other way around! Be sure to have some kind of dedicated space or home office for working.

Who Can Work for Arise?

Residents of the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom can work from Arise. However, there are a few exceptions. If you live in Oregon, New York, Massachusetts, California, Maryland, or Connecticut, you cannot work with Arise.

What Do Employees Say?

When you start reading about Arise online, opinions are about 50/50. In some incidences, people hate Arise with a passion. But as quickly as they are ranting about the negatives of Arise, there are just as many people coming back with great reviews, defending the company. At the end of the day, it’s just going to depend on your circumstances whether or not this company will be a good match for you.

The Bottom Line on

Ultimately, there is one major distinction that can explain all of the debating about This is not really an employment opening. It’s an opportunity to start your own business. Arise will be the service that connects you to your first clients, but it is just a springboard to help you get started in the realm of customer service as an independent contractor.

While I hesitated to review a company that required you to pay money upfront, I do think deserved a little attention here among the other reviews. Over and over, I find employees who are enjoying successful careers from home thanks to Arise.

So should you sign up? Well, that’s up to you. I’m not recommending that everyone jump onto the website right now, but I think for some of you, it might just be a great opportunity that leads to a long-term career. To see all their current job openings, go here.

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  1. I’m an IBO partnered with arise and I’ve been with arise since October 2013. I absolutely love it. They’ve given me the freedom to choose which client opportunity is best for me. I can also service more than one client opportunity at a time. It has also given me the opportunity to turn my IBO into a business and contract agents under my IBO to service. I respect and appreciate that arise requires payment for training with any client opportunity. It truly weeds out those who are serious and those who aren’t. I’ve seen classes start with 50-60 people and by the end of certification. There are only 20. You honestly reap what you see. I’ve so far been able to contract 23 agents, all in various stages of training currently or already servicing and earning revenue. I absolutely LOVE it. Since joining I’ve never looked back and I’m always looking to contract new agents.

  2. Ms. Perdue says:

    Hi. I was about to.get started with Arise some.years ago.through a woman that had.already started. She worked for AT&T but was looking for a client that pays.well for me. The issue between her.and I is a reason why I didn’t go ahead with it, but she let me know (and because I have seen it) that for if you wait there will sometimes be deals where you will only have to pay $5!! Seriously. So, be on the look out for that or something cheaper than the $100! :-)

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  4. @Queenkai
    Thank you SO much for sharing this info. I am at a point where there are three options right now to get started, AT&T, Comcast and Amazon. I’m just struggling with these training fees. I’m really interested in Amazon though and want to get started. Chat would be good for me because I have a dog that barks at Fedex and UPS. LOL I have done phone customer service though before this for 6 months and I could mute if the dog did happen to bark on a call. I just don’t know about Arise. If you go to GlassDoor — there are some seriously negative comments.
    Chasing your paycheck does NOT sound like fun. That is very scary.

  5. This will be the 4th time I have come back to arise. Its a good opportunity, but can be hard to get help when issues come up like power outages or loss of internet service due to your provider. The training was a pain in the but as it cost a arm and a leg and I had to borrow so I did not interrupt my families budget. It has been an up and down process. I work chat so it allow me to be in the open and not have to be locked in my office all day, however it is not something everyone can do with dogs, cats and kids running around them. I suggest you really look over your options and understand this can be a great opportunity or can be the worst thing ever. You will be basically dropped behind enemy lines with a fork and spoon and told to survive. I will say however that the client I work for does offer support and I take full advantage every time I got it. I have only had a few instances where the pay was delayed, but it was delayed for all workers I am not a fan of having to chase my money.

  6. Chanel Gray says:

    @ Money Making Mommy You’re very welcome! I love your website keep up the good work.

  7. @Chanel Gray

    Thank you so much for the info on Arise!! I know lots of people desperate to find work at home and Arise seems to be a good one – but it’s always nice to hear from someone with personal experience – so thank you very much!

  8. Chanel Gray says:

    I am definitely an Arise defender. I have contracted with since 2008 and have had a payment discrepancy once in 5 years which they fixed in 1 week. What I have found with Arise is this. If you are Independent, Entrepreneur minded and Responsible this opportunity is great for you. If you like to rely on others, need to be managed or a negative person this will never work for you. Its way too easy to blame things on technical issues when you don’t have a supervisor in your home to keep you honest. I’ve had tech issues of course but I can really count on one hand how many times they completely caused me to miss a shift. Personally I understand why Arise charges for training, every single training class that I’ve taken our training class drops by at least half,mostly because of attendance reasons. If Arise can’t trust you to come to class, how will they trust you to come to work? In the years I have been with Arise I have almost doubled my salary of my previous career as a flight attendant while being able to select my own schedule. Arise is amazing! And like most all things you get out what you put in. Cheers!

  9. hi i want to work from home

  10. I worked for Arise for 6 months. Pay was never on time. But it always came. They ended my contract with no warning. You can’t build your own business. They set you up with a company train you (Not paid) and then throw you in to sink or swim. Support was not good. I dreaded my shifts. Tech issues non stop. Missed many hours due to THEIR tech issues and didn’t get paid because I wasn’t logged into the phone system, which was impossible when the system was down.
    I will NEVER work for them again. Every single person in my training class, has left and moved over to Alpine.

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