WAG App – Get Paid! Work for WAG Walking Dogs!

WAG - Dog Walking App
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WAG Walker App – Dog Walking for Pay

The WAG App connects pet owners with other pet lovers. Why? So that their furry family members can get the exercise they need and love. And it's a great way for animal lovers to get exercise too. Not to mention, they can earn extra cash too! WAG is an easy to use app available for Android or Apple smartphones. The app is becoming available in more and more cities across the United States. And it's not just dog walking — there is pet sitting and boarding options too.

WAG App Reviews

I went out researching to find the latest reviews on WAG! to see how the app is doing and how well it's been received. I wanted to just check it out a little bit before I passed it along to my readers. According to Glassdoor, WAG! rates a 3.7 out of 5 stars. There were over 40 employee reviews there. I read several reviews from actual dog walkers and they all seemed pretty happy with the idea of having their own schedule and getting to hang out with adorable pooches all the time!

Some reviews did mention that it's hard to book a full schedule in some of the smaller cities. As well, being a new dog walker can mean you don't have a “walker” rep built up. So it can be hard to compete with the walkers that already have glowing reviews and experience. But everyone has to start somewhere and no one walker can walk every dog in every city — so don't give up before you even try.

You can also find reviews on Indeed.com that can be helpful. There were over 110 reviews when I checked. The rating on Indeed was similar to Glassdoor, 3.7 out of 5. You can get some lengthy WAG! app reviews on reddit too. Not just reviews either, but experiences that other reddit “WagWalkers” are having.

How Does WAG Pay Walkers? And How Much?

Like similar service apps, Uber, Lyft, UberEATS and so on — the company takes a percentage of what the service provider earns. Currently, WAG service providers keep 60% of what they earn. On average for example, a 30-minute walk pays $20-25. A 60-minute walk comes in at about $30-$35. The upper end is typically in bigger cities where demand is higher. So if you do the math — you're going to earn around $12-$15 for a 30-minute walk and $18-$21 for a 60-minute walk. My personal thoughts on this pay? Considering the walker gets to keep 100% of any tips they receive (and tips seem quite common) — you're making a decent amount of money to get exercise for yourself and make a dog's day! Even if you're only tipped $1 – that could still mean $13 to $16 for 30 minutes? As long as you're not driving from hell and gone — and having to spend tons on gas, that's more than most brick and mortar jobs are offering in my area right now!

The catch with earning is that you need to do your job well. So if you don't like walking… and you don't like dogs… don't bother. And even if you love both — in order to get paid well — you need to do your job well. This allows you to receive those 5-star reviews! And 5-star reviews are going to mean earning better and having more opps to earn.

Bonus Cash Opportunities Too!

There are also bonus cash opps. These vary, but at times there have been bonuses for completing so many walks in your first 28 days. These can be $50 or more! You can also earn extra bonuses for the walks themselves. Walking additional dogs (you're only allowed to walk three at a time) — you can earn $3 for each extra pooch. Though I personally cannot imagine walking three dogs at once! Ahh! There are also special bonuses for walks that sit with no takers for a while. By claiming the walk you can score even more for accepting it. This can mean $2… maybe $4 or even $10! Not to mention… you just made that dogs day too!

Walkers are paid weekly through an app called Payable.

WAG Application Process – WAIT! Is the WAG Dog Walking App Available in Your Area?

WAG is adding more and more cities. There are literally 100's of them. I noticed my city was on there and it's not a HUGE town.

This video gives you a great idea of what to expect as a WAGwalker:

Let's talk requirements first (other than being in one of the cities that WAG operates in):

1. iPhone 5 or newer/Android 4.2 or newer
2. You actually LIKE working OUTSIDE! (WAG App for walkers and hikers alike!)
3. I know… I know — But you need to like dogs! (DOH!)
4. Some dogs can be rambunctious – be ready!
5. Are you fit enough to walk several hours a day and handle these rambunctious puppers?
6. Do you understand/know basic training commands?
7. Committed to providing quality care to animals?
8. Are you friendly and outgoing?

You will be asked about your prior dog experience and quizzed on general dog care and safety. You'll also be tested on how secure many different types of dog collars and harnesses. Just look around — not every pet owner uses the same kind of collar/harness — so you'll need to be somewhat familiar with many types. You'll also be asked about situational issues. Most of us know that animals can be unpredictable at times — and because of this, WAG wants to know how you would handle some of these types of spontaneous situations.

On the WAG website, it states that the entire application process can take 1-2 weeks. As well — you will need to have a background check done (Approximately $20-$30). This seems reasonable. However — it's on the walker applicant to pay for the background check.

Final Thoughts on Wag Dog Walking (Sitting and Boarding) for Pay

Let's talk pet owners briefly because I feel it's important. Pet owners must warrant and agree that their pets are free from ticks, fleas and other pests. This is a GOOD thing! All pets must also be current on their vaccinations.

After reading over reviews and other info — I did see where WAG doesn't cover dog bites. Why? Because you are an independent contractor, NOT an employee. However, the pet owner should be liable in my opinion. Of course, we all hope that a situation would never occur that something like a bite would happen — but I'd be remiss to not at least mention it. Like I said above, animals are unpredictable — so it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

Tipping or gratuity is voluntary — so don't expect a tip. It's nice if you do get them, but don't bank on them or ask pet owners for them.

If you're an animal lover looking for a way to make extra cash and you don't mind having to spend $20-$30 to get started — I think this is a gig worth checking out. For me personally – I love the idea of being outside and getting exercise and sunshine myself. The WAG co-founder and CEO stated the average WAGWalker makes $17.50 an hour. To me, that's worth looking into if it sounds like a good fit for you!


Or… if you're looking for a dog walking, boarding or sitter services… click here.

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One Comment

  1. Nicole Lloyd says:

    Have experience walking dogs. Have three dogs but one have been stolen. Had him for eleven years. I’m true dog lover and have experience house sitting. I’m a Caregiver who enjoys taking care of individuals. Dogs have feelings same as humans.

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