HLOOM: Struggling with That Work at Home Resume?

Free Resume Help & Tools
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Yes – You Need a Resume Even When Applying for a Home Job

I've covered this several times over the years – and even with the HUGE influx of work at home opportunities, I am still hearing from potential employers that more than half of those that apply don't include a resume or have very sloppy resumes. How can this be? A resume represents you. And whether it's a brick and mortar job, or an at home job — YOUR resume is YOU. Most employers will ask for one. Most ask or want a cover letter as well, telling them why you're right for the job; why you should get an interview. I cannot stress the importance of putting in effort when it comes to creating an amazing resume.

You Don't Know How to Create a WOW Resume

Now trust me… my resume was not always pro. Oh no. As a matter of fact – the other day I was cleaning out a file cabinet in the garage and I came across a folder that had to be from pre-2000. It was my resume. So bad. It was just pathetic really. Even the resume I put together for radio was bad. And that was what my degree was in! (Granted…. they listen to your resume “tape” more than anything — but my paper portion was lame.)

Over the years — I've mastered “le resume” — yeah… mine is fancy now. I've got more experience under my belt too, which adds a lot. BUT — even if I didn't, I would still have the knowledge to create a really amazing resume. But if I didn't — what would I do? There are resume writing services out there. I have seen resume writing services run upwards of $400 though. Now… if you can burn that amount of cash on a resume — more power to you. But I certainly cannot.

On the flip side of that – you can use templates that you can find here and there online. But they are very generic. And still leave you a little in the dark. That's why I want to share HLOOM.

Free Resume Help and Tips

So how can HLOOM help you with your resume if you need help? Well — first let me say… it's free. So if you're on a budget and you need to create a snazzy resume – then this will help you and it's budget friendly. There are resume templates, cover letters, writing tips, resume comparison tool and more. The site has so much to offer and again… it's free. Their resume builder is really awesome!

It's also very easy to use. Which for me — is the most important part besides price. If the user interface is difficult… I am peace out. Ya know? But this is super simple to use, a lot of tools and you can't beat the price. And — once you've got that swanky new resume, you can easily share it too. AND — there is even an option to create a cover letter too!

It's certainly worth checking out, as there is no obligation.


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