MaxBounty Offers – Monetize Your Blog!

Maxbounty for Bloggers
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Maxbounty's Affiliate Program is Legitimate

MaxBounty is a great way to earn affiliate income for anyone who has a blog they need or want to monetize. I've been with MaxBounty since 2008! Yes… a long time. And I always earn. And I am always paid on time. MaxBounty also offers income through their referral program. So, sharing your experience with other bloggers can be another stream of revenue. The screenshot below shows my first years' earnings with MaxBounty! Has it been that long?!)

With real time reporting and the ability to use sub-IDs, you can know what is working and what isn't as far as the programs you've chosen to promote and market on your blog. And there are many programs to choose from.

The approval process typically doesn't take long and can be as little as 5 minutes for some. You'll be assigned an affiliate account manager (I've had the same one for years and he awesome! Shout out to Beshan!)

Maxbounty Platform

The dashboard for affiliates is easy to use. It's intuitive and simple. You can do searches for particular brands or use keywords. Maxbounty also breaks it down for you by New Campaigns, Top Campaigns, Trending and Suggested for You — so, you'll never wonder if any new campaigns were missed.

Maxbounty Affiliate Reporting

You'll be able to see at the top of your dashboard what you've made: Today, Yesterday and for the month so far. There are also several reports that you can run to see which campaigns are performing by timeframe.

Maxbounty Payout Timeframe

You're first payment will be on a net 15 basis. You decide at what threshold you want to be paid — the minimum is $100. I've always kept mine on $100. You'll be paid weekly after your first payment, as long as you reach a minimum of $100. If you do not, don't fret — whatever you did earn rolls over, until you DO hit $100 and then you will be paid.

According to the Maxbounty site: “We pay affiliates by Check, Intercash, eCheck, ACH, and Wire. The options available are dependent on an affiliate's home country. Our system tracks all earnings in US Dollars, however most international affiliates paid by check have the benefit of receiving their payment in their national currency and drafted from a local bank. For example, Canadian affiliates have their earning converted to Canadian dollars and paid via check drafted from a Canadian bank. It is the same with Australians in Aussie dollars, Brits in Pounds and a host of other counties and currencies. We do this so international affiliates don't suffer the fees and delays often implemented by their banks when depositing American checks. The list of countries we support is too large to include here so please contact your affiliate manager if you have any questions about how you'll be paid.”

Maxbounty for Beginner Bloggers

I'm not a beginner blogger and continue to use Maxbounty to this day. It's great for beginner bloggers that are just stepping into monetization and haven't reached the level of traffic for Mediavine or Adsense. There are many long-time bloggers like me that have always used Maxbounty because it's just that good.

You might also want to looking into using Clickbank to help with affiliate income or even Bing's network, if you're waiting to get into a larger network.

Maxbounty costs nothing. Sign up is free. SIGN UP FOR MAXBOUNTY HERE