MoneyMakingMommy Job Board Submission Form

Work at Home Job Board Listing Form
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Thanks for your interest in placing a job board submission! I have recently added more options for the length of time that a listing can run on the board. This was requested quite often, as advertisers and companies wanted their ads to run continuously for several months without having to worry about renewing. You will see those option available on the secure placement form, but the 30 days option is still available as well.

Home Businesses & Direct Sales Listing

You can use this form to list home businesses, direct sales companies and franchise opportunities. However, you MUST choose the appropriate category and you must not word your listing as if it's an actual employment/job opportunity if it isn't. This helps alleviate any confusion for my subscribers and readers. Being transparent and letting them know exactly what kind of opportunity they are looking at is of utmost importance here.

If you are submitting this type of opportunity, be sure to check out the direct sales companies directory as well. Your direct sales opportunity can be listed there as well if we don't currently have a rep for your company listed in the category you're wanted listed in.


Click Here to Place Your Job Board Submission – Secure Order Form


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