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Get A Strategically Designed Site From My Friend, Katy!

If you don’t love your blog or website or it just needs a refresh, my advice is to work with Website Designer and Marketing Strategist, Katy Boykin!

If you're on a budget or want to DIY your own website, you should join her membership, DIY Dream Site! DIY Dream Site is an exclusive membership that gives you the website templates, tech tutorials, and coaching you need every month to launch your own website and promote your business online – without breaking the bank.

Not into doing it yourself? Yeah, me neither! You can also hire Katy to design your website for you (that's what I did!). You won't be disappointed!

When I saw the first mockup Katy designed, I was in a state of shock… like, no lie, my jaw dropped! The website is absolutely stunning and more than I could have ever dreamed of (and I've been doing this since 1999)!