
Self Defense and Protection Home Business Opportunities

Self Defense and Protection Direct Sales
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Protection and Self Defense Direct Sales Opportunities

Last I checked, in 2018 there was a survey for women nationwide in the United States, of those that answered, about 81% said they had experienced some form of sexual harassment. Sadly — I doubt the stats are much better at this day and time.

But it's not just women that get harassed, and therefore a growing number of people out there are looking for some form of self defense. These can include all kinds of different types of pepper sprays, little pocket knives, flashlights and even stun guns. Many of these items can be carried in your purse or pocket. This can make situations like walking to your car at night alone feel somewhat safer.

Though there aren't many companies out there offering a home business in the self defense department, I thought it worthwhile to at least create a page that allowed my visitors to explore what opportunities are out there. Helping people feel safer, even if it's in some small way can be a rewarding career.

If you're interested in starting a home business and you'd like it to revolve around the self defense and protection niche, below I have listed the ones that I have found. If you're currently with a direct sales company that offers self defense type products or services, please reach out to find out more about getting listed here.

List of Companies That Market Self Defense

– Offers a large variety of self defense and protection products aimed at women.

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